.. _specify_the_primary_line_per_subscriber: Specify the Primary Line per Subscriber --------------------------------------- .. index:: Quick Add Subscriber (Feature);Feature Specify the Primary Line per Subscriber In the top-down method that uses Quick Add Subscriber, the primary line pattern is specified by the admin. This creates the user's primary line, associates it as the primary extension, sets the self-service ID, and sets the user profile. The line attributes come from Quick Add Group configuration. Therefore, the Universal Line Template does not need to be configured. **Perform these steps**: 1. Configure Universal Device Template(s). See :ref:`add_a_self-provisioning_universal_device_template`. 2. Configure Self-Provisioning User Profile(s). See :ref:`add_a_self-provisioning_user_profile`. 3. Configure a Site Default User Profile. See :ref:`set_a_default_user_profile_for_a_site`. 4. Configure primary line per user. For Quick Add Subscriber, add at least one line, and select the Self-Service ID check box.