Macro Syntax Multiline ---------------------- Macros can contain line breaks. The Admin Portal provides a multiline input box for macros. For example: * If a macro that returns a string has string prefix or suffix, for example, a macro with the value: :: "AAA {{data.Countries.iso_country_code | country_name:'South Africa'}} AAA" will output: :: AAA ZAF AAA A JSON export of the macro will show the line breaks, for example: :: "data": { "macro": "AAA\n{{data.Countries.iso_country_code | country_name:'South Africa'}}\nAAA", "name": "MACRO1" } * If the macro is an Expect script: :: expect "HQ>\r" send "enable\r" expect "Password:\r" send "{{device_details.enable_password}}\r" Line breaks cannot be entered inside a macro, for example: :: "AAA {{data.Countries.iso_country_code | country_name:'South Africa'}} AAA" is not valid. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM