Dot notation ------------ A dot-notation is used to refer to a macro function, model attribute, a defined variable, step reference, or non-attribute value in the model schema. * *fn.macrofunction_name* - identifies a macro function. Refer to the Macro Functions topics in the Advanced Configuration Guide. * *self.attribute* is used to refer to the current value of an attribute in the model where the macro applies. Here, *attribute* should be an attribute name of the calling model in which the macro is referenced (usually a configuration template). In other words, the macro should be associated with a configuration template of a resource that is referenced. * *previous.attribute* is used to the previously saved value of an attribute as opposed to the existing value in the case where a model is updated. * *input.attribute* identifies the values input via any of: the GUI, bulk load, provisioning workflow foreach variable or context. * *pwf.variablename* identifies a variable value defined as a provisioning workflow set step variable. * *cft.attribute* identifies the values input in a configuration template via the current value of the ``context_var`` of a ``foreach`` loop of a configuration template. * *modelname.attribute* - this notation defaults to the Data Model type. * *modeltype.modelname.attribute* is used for other non-data model types. * *modeltype.modelname.attribute.NUMBER* is used to refer to attribute NUMBER-1 where there is more than one attribute, that is, the first attribute reference is *modeltype.modelname.attribute.0*. See the Macro examples section. The NUMBER can also be a wild card, as in *{# device.cucm.Phone.lines.line.\*.dirn #}* * ** is used to refer to a defined macro by name. * *workflow.stepSTEPNUMBER.pkid* - a hierarchy value to override the **Context Hierarchy** by specifying the context using the pkid of stepSTEPNUMBER, where STEPNUMBER can be 1, 2 and so on. * Non-attribute notation allows the following for a model: * ``__pkid`` * ``__bkey`` * ``__hierarchy`` * ``__hierarchy_friendly_path`` * ``__hierarchy_friendly_parent_path`` Some examples of this syntax: :: {# data.Countries.__pkid #} {# data.CallManager.__bkey #} {{ data.CallManager.__bkey | host: }} {{ data.CallManager.__hierarchy | host: }} {{ data.CallManager.__hierarchy_friendly_path | host: }} {{ data.CallManager.__hierarchy_friendly_parent_path | host: }} The ``hierarchy`` fields can be combined with model attribute names in a comma separated, for example: :: {# data.Countries.country_name,__hierarchy,__hierarchy_friendly_path #} Output snippet: :: [ { "country_name": "Australia", "__hierarchy": "58d303503f44d58341d61775", "__hierarchy_friendly_path": "hcs" }, { "country_name": "Bahrain", "__hierarchy": "58d303503f44d58341d61775", "__hierarchy_friendly_path": "hcs" }, ... Meta attribute properties can also be used in a macro filter. For details and examples, refer to the topic on Macro Syntax to Filter by Meta Properties. * To indicate sequence instance with *SEQ* - the value is a loop sequence number starting from 1 or a wizard step number: * It is obtained from a **Foreach List Macro** in a provisioning workflow or a **Foreach Elements** loop in a configuration template. This value can be used to refer to an *attribute* of a model. An array item in a configuration template has a **Foreach Elements** loop with a variable ``phoneX``: :: {# self.Phone.{{fn.subtract input.phoneX.SEQ,1}}.lines.line #} that refers to an attribute (line in a list of phones), starting with the first one: ``self.Phone.0.lines.line`` * This value can be used to refer to a *Wizard step* (stepSTEPNUMBER) in its configuration template. A **Foreach Elements** loop with a variable ``step`` that holds a list of STEPNUMBER obtained from the wizard: :: {# input.define_wizard_steps #} so that stepSTEPNUMBER can be incremented with: ``step{{cft.step.SEQ}}`` .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM