.. _event_log_format_and_details: Event Log Format and Details ---------------------------- Event log streaming sends all transaction data via ``syslog``. It should be noted that the data is simply raw transaction data with no hierarchical grouping of parent and associated child transactions. If required, the remote ``syslog`` server must recreate a transaction tree hierarchy as part of log processing. The following describes the format of an event log entry. The event log file contains single lines of data in JSON format, with meta data and data elements. * Meta data has ``event_`` - attributes, and describes the type of event log. For example, for ``"event_type": "transaction.finalise"``: when a transaction is finalized in the system: :: { "event_level": "INFO", "event_type": "transaction.finalise", "event_source": "voss-un1", "event_id": "abc08383-5adb-48cb-8181-ef6adc546791", "event_timestamp": "2017-12-04T12:18:07.025595Z", "event_message": "Transaction 1267 finalised.", "event_data": { [...] * ``event_id:`` Unique ID associated with the log entry. * ``event_message:`` Message specified during log entry creation. * ``event_level:`` Log level with which log entry was created. * ``event_timestamp:`` Datetime string of timestamp when the log entry was created. * ``event_type:`` Unique type associated with event described by log entry. * ``event_source:`` Hostname of host from which log was created. * ``event_data:`` Additional data associated with log entry, containing a ``transaction`` object. * Data is recorded in the ``"event_data"`` element of the event type, with each event type determining its own ``event_data`` JSON structure. For example, for ``"event_type": "transaction.finalise"``, the ``event_data`` is ``"transaction"``, the start of the structure is for example: :: [...] "event_data": { "transaction": { "status": "Success", "username": "sysadmin", "rolled_back": false, "resource": { "hierarchy": "1c0nfmo2c0deab90da595101", [...] * ``transaction:`` Transaction specific data. * ``action:`` Transaction's ``action`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Action field. * ``completed_time:`` Datetime string of the transaction's ``completed_time`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Completed Time field. * ``detail:`` Transaction's detail field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Detail field. * ``duration:`` Transaction's ``duration`` field (in seconds), which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Duration field. * ``hierarchy:`` Transaction's ``execution_hierarchy`` field. * ``message:`` Transaction's ``exception_message`` field (if any), which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Message field. * ``operation:`` Transaction's ``operation`` field. * ``parent_pkid:`` Transaction's ``parent`` field (if present, can be used to identify a parent transaction ``pkid`` value and any sub-transactions). * ``pkid:`` Transaction's ``_id`` field (this value will be the ``parent_pkid`` of sub-transactions if there are any). * ``priority:`` Transaction's ``config['priority']`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Priority field. * ``processor_host_name:`` Transaction's ``processor_host_name`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Processor Host Name field. * ``resource:`` resource object associated with transaction * ``hierarchy:`` Transaction's resource ``hierarchy`` field. * ``model_type:`` Transaction's resource ``model_type`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Model Type field. * ``pkid:`` Transaction's resource ``pkid`` field. * ``rolled_back:`` Transaction's ``rollback`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Rolled Back field. * ``started_time:`` Datetime string of the transaction's ``started_time`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Started Time field. * ``status:`` Transaction's ``status`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Status field. * ``submitted_time:`` Datetime string of the transaction's ``submitted_time`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Submitted Time field. * ``submitter_host_name:`` Transaction's ``submitter_host_name`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Submitter Host Name field. * ``txn_seq_id:`` Transaction's ``txn_seq_id`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Transaction ID field. * ``username:`` Transaction's ``username`` field, which is displayed by the Admin Portal in its Username field. A full example of a ``transaction.finalise`` type event log entry is shown below (formatted multiline): :: { "event_level": "INFO", "event_type": "transaction.finalise", "event_source": "voss-un1", "event_id": "abc08383-5adb-48cb-8181-ef6adc546791", "event_timestamp": "2017-12-04T12:18:07.025595Z", "event_message": "Transaction 1267 finalised.", "event_data": { "transaction": { "status": "Success", "username": "sysadmin", "rolled_back": false, "resource": { "hierarchy": "1c0nfmo2c0deab90da595101", "model_type": "data\\/Countries", "pkid": "5a203da004222e1c67f93c83" }, "processor_host_name": "voss-un1", "pkid": "233cd3b1-8acc-4702-bd64-90653c02cd81", "hierarchy": "1c0nfmo2c0deab90da595101", "started_time": "2017-12-04T12:18:04.946000Z", "detail": "Australia", "completed_time": "2017-12-04T12:18:07.022000Z", "priority": "Normal", "duration": 2.076404, "submitted_time": "2017-12-04T12:18:04.461000Z", "submitter_host_name": "voss-un2", "txn_seq_id": "1267", "parent_pkid": null, "action": "Update Countries", "message": null, "operation": "update" } } } .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM