.. _sending-and-collecting-logs: Sending and Collecting Logs --------------------------- .. index:: log;log send .. index:: log;log list .. index:: log;log send output .. index:: log;log sendnewer .. index:: log;log collect .. index:: keys;keys create .. index:: keys;keys send .. index:: notify;notify emailrelay .. index:: notify;notify emailfrom .. _20.1.1|VOSS-670|EKB-4964: .. _20.1.1|VOSS-670|EKB-5806: .. _21.1|VOSS-728|EKB-5111: .. _19.3.4-PB3|EKB-8449: .. _21.3-PB3|EKB-11716: * **log send** Single or multiple log files can be sent to a URI destination using **log send ** and **log send ** respectively. The URI must match the URI specification detailed under the Network URI Specification topic. An example of an email URI is ``mailto:user@server.com``. All email communication requires **notify emailrelay** to be configured with the IP address of your mail relay. The default ``from`` address is ``platform@``. A ``from`` outgoing address for the email relay can also be configured with **notify emailfrom ** - see: :ref:`enable_health_monitoring`. When using **log send** to a ``scp`` and ``sftp`` destination, no port should be specified. For example: :: $ log send sftp://usr:pass@ install/voss-deviceapi_install.script-20150819.log * **log send output** The output of a VOSS Automate CLI command can be sent to a URI destination using **log send output ** For example: :: $ log send output sftp://usr:pass@ app status File transfer successful - The transferred file (archive file format example: ``var/log/users/platform/.``) then contains the output of the CLI command. Note that *only VOSS-4UC CLI commands* will generate a file with command output. For example, while the command was **ls media** can be run from the VOSS Automate CLI prompt, it is not a VOSS Automate command and the contents of the transferred ``lsmedia.`` file will be ``command not found: ls``. * **log sendnewer** Log files newer than a certain date can be sent using **log sendnewer **. If the remote URI destination requires a password, it will prompt for the password. A passwordless **scp** session can be enabled by generating keys locally with **keys create** and then sending the local keyset to the remote destination with **keys send user@**. * **log collect** Use **log collect** to collect logs into an archive file. Both system and transaction logs can be collected. Mandatory and optional parameters are available to refine the log collection. The syntax is: **log collect start [include ] [end ] [limit]** .. note:: * Run **cluster check** before **log collect** to have the latest cluster check information logged to ``cluster_check.log``. * If the command is run from a web proxy node, only the system logs can be collected. * The ``start`` and ``end`` parameters do not affect date range of system logs - they only apply to the date range of transaction collection logs. * The ``start`` parameter is mandatory. * The ``end`` parameter is optional. If omitted, the transaction collection logs are collected up to the current time. * The ```` and ```` date value format can be: * ``+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S``, for example ``2016-01-10_00:00:00`` * ``+%Y-%m-%d``, for example ``2016-01-10`` * For a ````, if the value is entered as ``+%Y-%m-%d``, then the value used will be the start of that day, in other words: ``+%Y-%m-%d_00:00:00``. * For an ````, if the value is entered as ``+%Y-%m-%d``, then the value used will be the end of that day, in other words: ``+%Y-%m-%d_23:59:59``. * Year-Month-Day format without leading zeroes, for example: ``2016-1-10`` * The ``include`` parameter is optional. If *not* used, both transaction collection and system logs are collected. If used, valid options are: * ``logs``: collect database server, system, application and install log files: * ``db_server_status.log`` - database server status: the output of mongo ``db.serverStatus()`` * ``disk_usage.log`` - disk usage: output of command ``df -h`` * ``top.log`` - current CPU consumption per process: output of command ``top -b -n 1 -o +%CPU`` * ``sar
`` - today's system activity by the system activity reporter ``sar``: output of ``sa2 -A`` * ``db_collection_stats.log`` - database collection stats: output of CLI command **voss db_collection_stats all** * ``db_index_stats.log`` - database index stats: output of CLI command **voss db_index_stats** * from the ``/var/log`` directory: Log files with the following file wild cards are collected: :: /var/log/syslog* /var/log/dmesg* /var/log/psmem* Log files in the following directories are collected: :: /var/log/nginx /var/log/sysstat /var/log/platform /var/log/process /var/log/voss-deviceapi /var/log/provision /var/log/install /var/log/mongodb /var/log/voss-portal /var/log/billing-data-extract (if available) /var/log/nbi-api (if available) /var/log/m2uc-nx (if available) You can inspect the list of collected files with the **log list** command and a search parameter, for example **log list install** to see all the install log files, including those for patches, for example: :: platform@VOSS:~$ log list install install/voss-deviceapi_install.script-20210709.log install/disable-platform-password-expiry_patch.script-20210709.log install/selenium_install.script-20210709.log install/support_install.script-20210709.log install/mongodb_install.script-20210709.log install/nginx_install.script-20210709.log install/snmp_install.script-20210709.log ... This option *excludes* the transaction collection. The ``start`` and ``end`` parameters do not affect this collection. * ``db``: collect transaction collection logs and exclude the system logs. By default, this includes: * transaction activity log records (``TRANSACTION.json.gz``) * the detailed content of transactions as seen on the GUI in the Log transaction list (``TRANSACTION_LOG.json.gz``). * worker transaction queue activity log records (``WORKER_QUEUE.json.gz``) This option can only be added when the command is run on a unified or database node. * ``all``: *both* transaction collection (``db``) and system logs (``logs``) are collected * The ``limit`` option *only* affects the transaction collection logs. It specifies that the detailed transaction collection logs (``TRANSACTION_LOG.json.gz``) are *not* included. This parameter is usually used if the logs are required for a task such as performance analysis, but not for debugging. Typically, all collection logs are needed for debugging. .. important:: * The *log collect* command with default parameters should not be run in parallel on all nodes. * Transaction database data should not be collected from secondary nodes. So the commands issued on a primary would be different from that on secondaries, e.g.: Primary ``log collect start 2020-04-10 end 2020-04-14`` Secondaries ``log collect start 2020-04-10 include logs end 2020-04-14`` An example of the console input and output of the command is shown below: :: $ log collect start 2019-08-27 include db limit 2019-08-27T08:16:02.140+0000 connected to: localhost:27020 2019-08-27T08:16:02.148+0000 exported 3 records Output saved to media/logs.VOSS.2019-08-27_08-16-01.tar.gz The log file archive is of the format: ``logs...tar.gz``, where ```` is the time that the collection was requested, in the format: ``%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S``. This file is created in the ``media/`` directory. The log file archive can then for example be fetched with **scp**, for example: **scp platform@VOSS:media/logs.VOSS.2019-08-27_08-16-01.tar.gz** .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM