.. _phones_data_export: Phones Data Export ------------------ .. _21.1|EKB-9459: .. _19.3.4-PB5|EKB-9459: .. _19.3.4-PB5|EKB-8547: .. _21.2|EKB-8547: .. _21.2|EKB-11374: Filename: ``_phones.json.gz`` Layout: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.5cm}|p{9cm}|p{1cm}|p{1cm} +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | ELEMENT | DESCRIPTION AND SOURCE FIELD | DATA TYPE | VERSION | +=========================+============================================================+===========+=========+ | provider_name | Name of the Provider | string | v2 | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | reseller_name | Name of the Reseller | string | v2 | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | customer_name | name of the customer | string | v1 | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | division_name | Intermediate Node (e.g | string | v1 | | | Division or other node) | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | location_name | Site Name | string | v1 | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | hierarchy | The full hierarchy path for | string | v1 | | | the item being exported | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | usernames | list of usernames associated to | array | v1 | | | the phones via Unified CM user, associated devices | | | | | | | | | | device/cucm/User.userid | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | | the name of the device | | | | device_name | (includes mac address if | string | v1 | | | hardphone, softclients no | | | | | mac) | | | | | | | | | | device/cucm/Phone.name | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | description | Text field attached to the | string | v3 | | | device | | | | | | | | | | device/cucm/Phone.description | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | device_type | the model of the phone | string | v1 | | | | | | | | device/cucm/Phone.product | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | device_css | Calling search space of the | string | v2 | | | phone | | | | | | | | | | device/cucm/Phone.callingSearchSpaceName | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | lines | Array of objects containing | array | v1 | | | line information | | | | | | | | | | device/cucm/Phone.lines.line | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | lines.line_order | Line index. | integer | v2 | | | | | | | | device/cucm/Phone.lines.line.index | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | | Internal Number assigned to | | | | lines.cucm_dn | the device profile (as | string | v1 | | | configured in the PBX) | | | | | | | | | | device/cucm/Phone.lines.line.dirn.pattern | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | | External Number (E164 number) | | | | lines.E164 | assigned to the device | string | v1 | | | profile | | | | | | | | | | device/cucm/Phone.lines.line.dirn.pattern | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.5cm}|p{9cm}|p{1cm}|p{1cm} +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | ELEMENT | DESCRIPTION AND SOURCE FIELD | DATA TYPE | VERSION | +=========================+============================================================+===========+=========+ | | Array of E164 numbers and | | | | E164Members | ranges assigned to ``cucm_dn`` | string | v4 | | | in the case of N-1 mapped lines | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | E164Members.e164_number | E164 number in the case of N-1 mapped lines | string | v4 | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | | E164 range of ``E164Members.e164_number`` | | | | E164Members.e164_range | in the case of N-1 mapped lines | string | v4 | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | owner_username | User ID of the assigned phone user | string | v4 | | | | | | | | *Only in release >= 21.1* | | | | | | | | | | device/cucm/Phone.ownerUserName | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | add_on_modules | Array of phone addon modules, incl. name, model, | array | v4 | | | position | | | | | | | | | | *Only in release >= 21.1* | | | | | | | | | | cache.addOnModules.addOnModule | | | +-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ * ELEMENT: add_on_modules.name * DESCRIPTION: phone addon module name * SOURCE FIELD: *Only in release >= 21.1* device/cucm/Phone.addOnModules.addOnModule.loadInformation * DATA TYPE: string * VERSION: v4 * ELEMENT: add_on_modules.model * DESCRIPTION: phone addon module model * SOURCE FIELD: *Only in release >= 21.1* device/cucm/Phone.addOnModules.addOnModule.model * DATA TYPE: string * VERSION: v4 * ELEMENT: add_on_modules.position * DESCRIPTION: phone addon module model * SOURCE FIELD: *Only in release >= 21.1* device/cucm/Phone.addOnModules.addOnModule.index * DATA TYPE: integer * VERSION: v4 Example: :: [ { "division_name": "Intermed1", "usernames": [ "s1p1_user1" ], "location_name": "Site1", "description": "s1p1_desc", "hierarchy": "sys.AB707E3E6FC2.Prov1.Resel1.Cust1.Intermed1.Intermed1_1.Site1", "lines": [ { "line_order": 0, "cucm_dn": "11111", "E164": "s1p1l1_e164" } ], "add_on_modules": [ { "position": 0, "model": "add_on_module_model-01", "name": "add_on_module_info-01" } ], "device_type": "s1p1_product_value", "reseller_name": "Resel1", "provider_name": "Prov1", "device_name": "s1p1_name", "device_css": "s1p1_css", "customer_name": "Cust1" }, { "division_name": "Intermed1", "usernames": [], "location_name": "Site1", "description": "", "hierarchy": "sys.AB707E3E6FC2.Prov1.Resel1.Cust1.Intermed1.Intermed1_1.Site1", "lines": [], "add_on_modules": [], "device_type": "s1p2_product_value", "reseller_name": "Resel1", "provider_name": "Prov1", "device_name": "s1p2_name", "device_css": "s1p2_css", "customer_name": "Cust1" }, { "division_name": "Intermed2", "usernames": [ "s2p1_user1", "s2p1_user2" ], "location_name": "Site2", "description": "", "hierarchy": "sys.AB707E3E6FC2.Prov2.Resel2.Cust2.Intermed2.Site2", "lines": [ { "line_order": 1, "cucm_dn": "33333", "E164": "s2p1l1_e164" }, { "line_order": 2, "cucm_dn": "44444", "E164": "" } ], "add_on_modules": [], "device_type": "s2p1_product_value", "reseller_name": "Resel2", "provider_name": "Prov2", "device_name": "s2p1_name", "device_css": "s2p1_css", "customer_name": "Cust2" } ]