Introduction ------------ The Subscriber Data Extract is a capability to provide an adhoc or scheduled basic data feed via the generation of a set of files. The content of the files is settings around Subscribers and other key services in order to support billing/expense management operations and is not intended as a general data feed. Additional fields or files may be added to the collection over time via the roadmap, so any planned file consumption should take that into account to minimize impact. .. _data_export_overview: Data Export Overview .................... .. _12.5(1)|VOSS-225: .. _19.1|VOSS-225: .. _20.1.1|EKB-5146: The **voss export** command is used to carry out a bulk data export from the VOSS Automate system database. The exported data can for example be imported into a warehouse. .. important:: Since a data export can take time, the **voss export** command can only be run in a ``screen`` session. First run **screen** and then **voss export** and its parameters. Type **voss export help** for details. The data extract schedule can be managed with the **schedule** command. For details on the use of the command, see: :ref:`scheduling`. Since bulk data exports can typically take more than an hour on a scale system, it is recommended to schedule this task instead of running it manually from the console. The export file format is JSON as per RFC 7159. For details on the filename, format and contents of the export files, refer to the Data Export Types topic in the Appendices. The **voss export** command takes a ``type`` or ``group`` parameter to indicate the type of data to export. The following are values of the ``group`` parameter: * ``subscriber`` * ``license`` For example: **voss export group subscriber** :: platform@VOSS:~$ voss export group subscriber Starting subscriber group export consisting of analogue_line_mgcp, analogue_line_sccp, call_pickup_group, contact_center_enterprise, contact_center_express, customer, extension_mobility, fmc, hunt_group, line, phones, site, subscriber, webex_teams, please wait... Starting analogue_line_mgcp export, please wait... Completed analogue_line_mgcp export, created 2019-09-30_0859_analogue_line_mgcp.json.gz. [...]