.. _nextgen-vm-unity-sip-integration: Unity SIP Integration --------------------- .. _18.1-Patch-Bundle-3|EKB-672: The Unity SIP Integration feature can be used in place of your existing voicemail service. A list of menus items is available to carry out the Unity SIP Integration tasks. Unity SIP Integration provides SIP integration for both CUCM and CUC. A typical workflow would be that one or more integration dial plan profiles are set up for use, and then a SIP Unity Integration is pushed to CUCM and CUC. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{5cm}|p{10cm}| +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Menu Name | Description and Notes | +================================+===================================================================+ | Integrate Unity-CallManager | The main tool used to push integration between CUCM and CUC. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Remove Integrate Unity- | This allows you to remove the complete integration out of the | | CallManager | target CUCM and CUC. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dial Plan Profile | This allows an advanced administrator to define all of the dial | | | plan elements that make up the CUC integration, for example | | | device pools, route group, route list, CSSs, and so on. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Integration Log | This log is populated with information about when the integration | | | was pushed, as well as other details, so that it can be pulled | | | back out again. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Unity Tenant Management | A "tenant" is basically a small voicemail setup for a sub-company | | | within your larger Connection server. In other words if you had | | | companies sharing a single connection server for voicemail | | | services, you can set each one up as a separate "tenant" in your | | | install which effectively isolates them from one another. Note | | | that a Unity server containing user data without tenants cannot | | | have tenants added after the fact. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Unity Tenant Add | This allows you to add a unity tenant to the Unity server. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Unity Tenant Delete | This allows you to remove a unity tenant from the Unity server. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+