Auto-Cloning of Dial Plan Schemas and Schema Groups to the Provider Hierarchy Node ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All existing dial plan schema and schema groups are cloned automatically from the System Administration level in VOSS Automate 10.x/11.5(x) to the Provider hierarchy node when the following events occur: * You create a new provider * You perform an upgrade from a previous version of VOSS Automate New dial plan schema files and schema groups are also cloned automatically to existing Provider hierarchy nodes when the following events occur: * You load or import a country dial plan template that introduces additional dial plan schema files or schema groups at the System Admin level, the new additional schema files are cloned automatically to any existing Provider hierarchy nodes. * New dial plan schema or schema groups are created using native GUI, REST API, native bulk loader, imported JSON files, or using the app install template, the new schema and schema groups are cloned automatically to existing Provider hierarchy nodes. The cloned version at the Provider level has the same name and is an exact replica of the dial plan schema or schema group at the System Admin level except that the Description field in the **General** tab of the schema indicates that it is the Cloned instance version. .. note:: The auto-cloning mechanism does not clone a schema or schema group to the Provider level if there is already one at the Provider level with the same name. Auto-cloning of the dial plan schema and schema groups to the Provider level ensures that any dial plan schema and schema group changes you make to existing Cisco templates are not lost when a Cisco template upgrade is introduced. As a Provider, you can also add your own schemas and schema groups at the Sys Admin level and be confident that these will be cloned down to the Provider level and not be overwritten by upgraded Cisco templates. Your dial plan schema changes are retained because when you deploy new customers and sites, the system searches up the hierarchy node tree to find the first instance of a particular template name to use for the deployment. For example, when deploying the Customer Call Screening feature schema for a customer, the system searches up the hierarchy node tree for the first instance of the CustomerCallScreening-Feature-V1-SCH. It will find two instances of CustomerCallScreening-Feature-V1-SCH: 1. CustomerCallScreening-Feature-V1-SCH (at the Provider level - e.g. sys.hcs.p1) 2. CustomerCallScreening-Feature-V1-SCH (at the System Administration level - e.g. sys-hcs) Because the schema names are identical and the Provider hierarchy node is found first, the Provider level CustomerCallScreening-Feature-V1-SCH schema is used to deploy the customer. Any customizations you made to the CustomerCallScreening-Feature-V1-SCH schema at the Provider level are retained if the template at the System Administration level gets updated by an upgrade.