.. _create_a_site: Create a Site ------------- .. _21.3|EKB-3999: .. note:: The following additional fields are available and shown as summary fields: * City * Postal Code * State * Extended Name * External ID * SiteId * InternalSiteID(Disabled) 1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator. #. Make sure that the hierarchy is set to the customer for whom you are creating the site. #. On the **Sites** form (default menu **Site Management > Sites**) click **Add**. #. Complete the following fields: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{12cm}| +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Option | Description | +======================+==============================================+ | | The name of the site. This field is | | | mandatory. | | | | | Site Name | Note: | | | | | | Any spaces in the site name are converted | | | to underscores in the site local | | | administrator name and email, if the | | | **Create Local Admin** check box is | | | selected. | | | | | | When migrating a customer location to a | | | site, an NDL is not selected for the site. | | | You can set the NDL for the site later. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Description | A description for the site | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Create Local Admin | Controls whether a default local | | | administrator is created for the site. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | | The customer role used to create a new role | | | prefixed with the site name. The created | | Cloned Admin Role | site role, shown in the **Default Admin | | | Role** field, is assigned to the default | | | local administrator user. This field appears | | | only if the **Create Local Admin** check | | | box is selected. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | | The created site role that is assigned to | | Default Admin Role | the default local administrator. This field | | | is read-only and appears only if the | | | **Create Local Admin** check box is | | | selected. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Default Admin | The password to assign to the default local | | Password | administrator. This field appears only if | | | the **Create Local Admin** check box is | | | selected. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Repeat Default Admin | Confirm the default local administrator | | Password | password. This field appears only if the | | | **Create Local Admin** check box is | | | selected. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Country | Select the Country from a drop-down of | | | countries. This field is mandatory. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | | Choose the NDL containing the UC | | | applications and WebEx to be used by the | | Network Device List | site. Once an NDL has been set for the | | | site, it cannot be removed from the site, | | | nor can the NDL be changed to another NDL. | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | | If enabled, users are automatically pushed | | | to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager | | | that is associated with the NDL. The | | | default is disabled. | | | Note: You can edit the site later, and | | | select this check box for one of the | | | following reasons: | | | | | Auto Push Users to | * To automatically push users at the site | | CUCM | to the Cisco Unified Communications | | | Manager. User surname must be filled in. | | | * To perform an Auto User Push when an | | | NDL is added to the site. | | | * To perform an Auto User Push when a | | | Cisco Unified Communications Manager is | | | associated with an NDL. | | | | | | Only users with user type "End User" are | | | pushed to the Cisco Unified | | | Communications Manager. | | | | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ 5. Click **Save**. Once saved, the following occurs: * A Site hierarchy node is created. * A Location is created. * Optionally, a default site administrator is created. * If the **Auto Push Users to CUCM** check box is selected: * All users associated with the NDL are pushed to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager associated with the NDL. User surname must be filled in. * Only users with user type "End User" are pushed to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager.