.. _concepts-number-status-usage: Number Status and Usage ----------------------- .. _20.1.1|VOSS-651: .. _20.1.1|EKB-6817: .. _21.3|VOSS-950: .. _21.3-PB1|VOSS-1072|EKB-12743: Values in the **Status** and **Usage** columns in the Number Inventory allow administrators to understand how numbers are used at a specific hierarchy level. .. note:: To access the Number Inventory, go to (default menus) **Number Management > Number Inventory**. The table describes values in the **Status** and **Usage** columns in the Number Inventory: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{2cm}|p{3cm}|p{2cm}| +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | **Number Use** | **Device** | **Status** | **Usage** | **Vendor** [1]_ | +========================+======================================+==============+====================+=================+ | Not used by anything | \- | Available | blank | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Phone Line [2]_ | device/cucm/Phone | Used | Device | blank | | | (line instance) | | | | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Device Profile Line | device/cucm/DeviceProfile | Used | Device | blank | | | (line instance) | | | | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Remote Destination | device/cucm/RemoteDestinationProfile | Used | Device | blank | | Profile Line | (line instance) | | | | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Hunt Pilot [2]_ | device/cucm/HuntPilot | Used-Utility | Hunt_Pilot | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Pickup Group Pilot | device/cucm/CallPickupGroup | Used-Utility | Pickup_Group_Pilot | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | System Call Handler | device/cuc/Callhandler (System only) | Used-Utility | Call_Handler_Pilot | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Voicemail Pilot | device/cucm/VoicemailPilot | Used-Utility | Voicemail_Pilot | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Meet Me | device/cucm/MeetMe | Used-Utility | Meet_Me | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | CTI Route Point | device/cucm/CtiRoutePoint | Used-Utility | CTI_RoutePoint | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Call Park | device/cucm/CallPark | Used-Utility | Call_Park | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Directed Call Park | device/cucm/DirectedCallPark | Used-Utility | Directed_Call_Park | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | VOSS Phone | data/PRS_MultiVendorPhone_DAT | Used-Utility | VOSS_Phone | phoneVendor | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | MS Teams Line URI | device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser | Used | User | Microsoft | | | (LineURI) | | | | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Not used by anything | | Available | blank | Microsoft [3]_ | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Number in cooling [4]_ | | Cooling | \- | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Number reserved [5]_ | | Reserved | \- | blank | +------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------+-----------------+ .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [1] Default vendor value is blank (for Cisco). .. [2] If a number is used by both a Phone and Hunt Pilot then the **Usage** column will display both usage values, i.e. ``Device,Hunt_Pilot``. This could be the case if you change the Partition and enter the DN manually so that they share the same DN. However, the **Status** column will display only *one* status, i.e. the status triggered by the most recent transaction. The Status would change from Used to Used-Utility if you added the Hunt Pilot last. If it was already a Hunt Pilot and then you added it to a Phone, then Status would change from Used-Utility to Used. Numbers can also be shared between Call Handlers and one or more device types. Status depends on whether Call Handler or devices were added first to the number. Usage will typically be ``Call_Handler_Pilot,Device``. .. [3] For Microsoft, number type: Operator Connect or Calling Plan. .. [4] If a number is currently in **Cooling**, the release date indicates when the number will come out of cooling. .. [5] If a number is currently **Reserved**, you can enter an optional **Tag** to identify the user for which the number is reserved. An optional **Reservation notes** field is also available to allow you to enter additional information regarding the reserved number. .. rubric:: Related Topics .. raw:: latex For details on call handlers and shared numbers, see Auto-Attendant Call Handler in the Core Feature Guide. .. raw:: html For details on call handlers and shared numbers, see Auto-Attendant Call Handler. .. _cisco-ms-hybrid-number-inventory: Cisco-Microsoft Hybrid Number Inventory ........................................... A Cisco-Microsoft hybrid setup is an integration of Cisco and Microsoft capability where we route Microsoft calls via Cisco Unified CM. In a hybrid setup, the Internal Number Inventory (INI) can be set up in 2 ways: .. note: The Microsoft service *always* needs an E164 number to be configured. * E164 number based, for example: * an INI entry 3334567 is mapped to an external number of +15553334567. * The number 3334567 is set up in Cisco (along with routing for the mapped external number). * The number +15553334567 is set up in Microsoft as the line. * The numbers 3334567 and \+15553334567 should be seen as the *same* number from an INI tracking perspective. * Internal number based (site code+extension or just extension) * an E164 number is generated by adding a prefix (\+88800) to the internal number for setup in Microsoft. .. note:: The named macro called `MultiVendorLine-InternalExt-E164Prefix` is used to store the prefix - currently set to `\+88800`. * For example, 3334567 is set up as an internal number for the user and no external number is mapped. The line is selected in the Hybrid setup. Then the prefix is added, so the number \+1888003334567 is the number in MS Teams for that user. .. important:: The numbers 3334567 and \+888003334567 should be seen as the *same* number from an INI tracking perspective. The mapping is also reflected in the :ref:`run_the_directory_number_inventory_audit_tool`. In this case, an update of the inventory takes place so that these are not counted as two separate numbers. The table below sums up the Number Inventory data for these cases. Note that **Extra2** and **Extra4** hold the service type and E164 number (includes generated) respectively. ==================== ======= ================ ================ =============== =================== ============= Scenario Status Vendor E164 Number [6]_ Usage Extra2 Extra4 ==================== ======= ================ ================ =============== =================== ============= Cisco-MS-Hybrid Used Cisco, Microsoft Exists Device, User Cisco-MS-Hybrid Cisco-MS-Hybrid [7]_ Used Cisco, Microsoft Device, User Cisco-MS-Hybrid \+88800 Cisco-No-Services Avail Cisco-Only Used Exists Device MS-Only-Entvoice Used Microsoft Exists User MS-Only-Entvoice MS-Only-Entvoice Used Microsoft User MS-Only-Entvoice \+88800 MS-Only-Hybrid Used Microsoft Exists User MS-Only-Hybrid MS-Only-Hybrid Used Microsoft User MS-Only-Hybrid \+88800 MS-Only-No-Entvoice Avail No-Hybrid-Service Avail ==================== ======= ================ ================ =============== =================== ============= .. raw:: latex For details on the service type scenarios, see Multi Vendor Service Definitions in the Core Feature Guide. .. raw:: html For details on the service type scenarios, see: Multi Vendor Service Definitions. .. rubric:: Footnote .. [6] If assigned (and associated with Extra4 - prefix e.g. \+88800) .. [7] Generated TelURI will start with prefix e.g. \+88800 Details and Usage ................. Selecting a specific number from the **Number Inventory** list view, opens the details view for that number. The **Number Details** tab shows read only details for the number, for example Internal Number, Status, Usage, as well as editable fields such as Tag, Description, Reservation Notes, etc. In the case of Cisco-Microsoft hybrid entries, the vendor added would be "Cisco, Microsoft". The **Usage** tab provides links to all instances where the number is used. In the case of Cisco-Microsoft hybrid usage, the last vendor added would be appended, as seen above in the "Device, User" instances. .. note:: * If the same number is shared by multiple devices/services of the same type, using different partitions, only the first 10 instances will be displayed.