.. _alerts: Alerts ------- Administrators can view alerts at the hierarchy level at which they are logged in, and the levels below that hierarchy. For example, if an alert is raised at the customer level, for example *sys.hcs.provider.reseller.customer*, then the provider, reseller, and customer administrators can see that alert but not site administrator. A Site administrator doesn't have access to view the alert. All administrators have read and delete permissions to the alerts. When an alert is raised, the messages or notifications indicator on the **Messages** button will show this. Clicking the button will show a message that alerts have been raised: "There are one or more alerts. Click here to view them." When clicking on this message, the user is directed to the list of alert messages. The Alerts list can be viewed and managed on the Admin Portal from the **Alerts** list view (default menu **Administration Tools > Alerts**) or by clicking **Messages** on the top menu bar. The Alert list is summarized by: * Category: A specific category to which the alert belongs, for example: "Device Change Notification Collector/CallManager". * Code: an error or warning code associated with the alert. * ID: A reference to the source of the alert. Alerts with the same ID and code will update the count of this alert as well as the last time that the alert occurred. This means that a single alert is shown on the list for each alert with the same ID and code. Administrators can also filter alerts by any of these fields. When features are enabled to send alert messages, these are recorded in the list. Each alert also has such properties as a severity (Error, Warning or Info), the number of times that the same alert has been raised and the time stamp of the last alert instance. Alert messages can be inspected and then acted upon by the administrator. If an issue that raised the alert has been resolved, the administrator can delete the alert from the list. If no alerts are present in the list, no notification is shown. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM