.. _concepts_call_handler_service: Auto-Attendant Call Handler ----------------------------- .. _19.1.1|VOSS-515: .. _21.3-PB3|EKB-13640: Overview .......... An Auto-Attendant Call Handler transfers telephone calls to the extension of a user or department without the intervention of an operator, via a system of voice menus that the caller interacts with, using their telephone keypad or voice commands. .. note:: Auto-Attendant is a comprehensive service that provides for the provisioning, configuration, and management of Call Handlers, greetings, schedules, and related dialplan components in Cisco Unity Connection (CUC) and Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM). Some Call Handler systems are comprised of message-only information menus and voice menus, which allow organizations to provide business information, such as hours, directions to their premises, or to answer other frequently-asked questions. Once the message plays, the caller can be forwarded to an operator, or they can choose to return to the main menu. Call Handlers can be created at the Customer hierarchy or the Site hierarchy in VOSS Automate: ========================= ============================================================== Created at Customer You must select a Network Device List (NDL), which then instructs the workflow which UC Application Servers to provision. Created at Site The NDL associated to the site is chosen automatically. ========================= ============================================================== .. rubric:: Related Topics * .. raw:: latex Add, Update, or Delete a Call Handler in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Add, Update, or Delete a Call Handler * .. raw:: latex Manage Greeting Files in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Manage Greeting Files * .. raw:: latex Call Handler (Auto Attendant) Schedule in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Call Handler (Auto Attendant) Schedule * .. raw:: latex Create a Call Handler (Auto Attendant) Schedule in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Create a Call Handler (Auto Attendant) Schedule * .. raw:: latex Modify a Call Handler (Auto Attendant) Schedule in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Modify a Call Handler (Auto Attendant) Schedule * .. raw:: latex Add a Language Filter in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Add a Language Filter * .. raw:: latex Add a TimeZone Filter in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Add a TimeZone Filter * :ref:`concepts-number-status-usage` .. _call-handlers-and-shared-numbers: Call Handlers and Shared Numbers .................................. VOSS Automate allows you to share the same directory number (DN) between a Call Handler and one or more device types (phone, SNR, EM), provided you're using different line partitions between the Call Handler and the device types. .. note:: SNR is short for Single Number Reach device. EM is short for Extension Mobility device. Device can include, for example, desk phone, BOT. Shared Number Scenarios for Call Handler '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' This section describes scenarios for number sharing between Call Handler and one or more device types and how this changes the status and usage values for the number in the number inventory. The following scenarios are described: * :ref:`add-device-to-shared-number` * :ref:`add-ch-to-shared-number` * :ref:`remove-ch-from-shared-number` * :ref:`remove-devices-from-shared-number` .. note:: Status defines whether the number is available to be assigned (or shared) between Call Handler and one or more devices. Usage value is added to the line details in the directory number inventory. When adding a Call Handler, all numbers available for the Call Handler (whether shared or not) display in the **Pilot** drop-down. See :ref:`add_call_handler_service` .. image:: /src/images/dn-inventory-status.png When a number is currently used exclusively by Call Handler (not shared with a device), the status and usage detail for that number is as follows: ======================= ====================================================== Status Usage ======================= ====================================================== Used-Utility Call_Handler_Pilot ======================= ====================================================== When a number is currently used exclusively by a device (not shared with Call Handler), the status and usage detail for that number is as follows: ======================= ====================================================== Status Usage ======================= ====================================================== Used Device ======================= ====================================================== .. _add-device-to-shared-number: .. rubric:: Add devices to a number that already has a Call Handler In this scenario, Call Handler is added first and is assigned to a number. Then you can add additional devices (e.g. deskphone, BOT, EM, SNR) with the same number. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{9cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}| +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Scenario | Before adding devices | After adding devices | +=============================+======================================+=================================================+ | Add devices to a number | * Status: "Used-Utility" | * Status: "Used" | | already assigned to | * Usage: | * Usage: "Call_Handler_Pilot,Device" | | Call Handler | | | | | * "Call_Handler_Pilot", or | | | | * "Call_Handler_Pilot, Device" | | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ .. _add-ch-to-shared-number: .. rubric:: Add a Call Handler to a number that already has devices In this scenario, one or more device types (device, EM, SNR) were added first to a number, then you add the same number to Call Handler. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{9cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}| +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Scenario | Before adding Call Handler | After adding Call Handler | +=============================+======================================+=================================================+ | Add Call Handler to a | * Status: "Used" | * Status: "Used-Utility" | | number already assigned to | * Usage: "Device" | * Usage: "Call_Handler_Pilot,Device" | | devices | | | | | | | | Scenario also applies if | | | | Call Handler was added with | | | | with a different | | | | number, then you change the | | | | Call Handler number to one | | | | that is used by devices. | | | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ .. _remove-ch-from-shared-number: .. rubric:: Remove Call Handler from a number that was shared between Call Handler and devices In this scenario, you have a number that is currently shared between Call Handler and one or more devices. Now you remove Call Handler from the number. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{9cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}| +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Scenario | Existing Status / Usage | Updated Status / Usage | +=============================+======================================+=================================================+ | Where Call Handler was | * Status: "Used" | * Status: "Used" | | added first, and then | * Usage: "Call_Handler_Pilot,Device" | * Usage: "Device" | | devices were added. Now you | | | | delete the Call Handler or | | | | change the number it uses. | | | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Where devices were added to | * Status: "Used-Utility" | * Status: "Used" | | a number first, and then | * Usage: "Call_Handler_Pilot,Device" | * Usage: "Device" | | Call Handler was added. Now | | | | you delete Call Handler or | | | | change the number it uses. | | | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ .. _remove-devices-from-shared-number: .. rubric:: Remove devices from a number that was shared between Call Handler and devices In this scenario, Call Handler was added first, then you added devices (one or more) to that number. Now you remove devices. In this case, number status and usage depends on whether there was only one device and you remove it, or whether there are multiple devices, and you remove one device from the number shared with Call Handler. .. tabularcolumns:: |p{9cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}| +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Scenario | Existing Status / Usage | Updated Status / Usage | +=============================+======================================+=================================================+ | Call Handler was added | * Status: "Used" | * Status: "Used-Utility" | | first. One device (e.g. a | * Usage: "Call_Handler_Pilot,Device" | * Usage: "Call_Handler_Pilot" | | phone) shares a number with | | | | Call Handler. | | | | | | | | You delete that one device, | | | | or you update that device | | | | to remove the number (e.g. | | | | update phone to use a new | | | | line, or remove line from | | | | phone). | | | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Call Handler was added | * Status: "Used" | * Status: "Used" | | first. Two or more devices | * Usage: "Call_Handler_Pilot,Device" | * Usage: "Call_Handler_Pilot,Device" | | are then added to the | | | | shared number (e.g. two | | | | phones using the same | | | | number). | | | | | | | | One device is deleted | | | | (e.g. delete phone), or | | | | you update one device | | | | to remove the number (e.g. | | | | update phone to use a new | | | | line, or remove line from | | | | phone). | | | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+