.. _SMTP-server: Add a SMTP Server ------------------- .. 19.3.1|VOSS-577: This procedure adds a SMTP server at a hierarchy level. **Prerequisites**: * Enable email in the Global Settings (Email tab). **Perform these steps**: 1. Log in to the Admin Portal. 2. Choose the relevant hierarchy. .. note:: Configure the SMTP server at the hierarchy where you want to allow VOSS Automate to send email messages. You may only set up one SMTP server at each hierarchy level. The SMTP server will be available at the current hierarchy and below. For example, for a SMTP set up at a specific customer, the sites below that customer can use that SMTP server. #. Go to (default menus) **Apps Management > SMTP**. #. Click the toolbar Plus sign (+) to add a new SMTP server. #. On the **SMTP Server** form, configure details for the new SMTP server: * Add name for the SMTP server. * Add a description for the email account. * Enter the SMTP server hostname and port number. * Select **Secure** to use the SSL protocol for establishing a connection to the SMTP server. * Enter username and password credentials for establishing a connection to the SMTP server. .. rubric:: Related Topics * .. raw:: latex Email in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Email * .. raw:: latex Global Settings in the Core Feature Guide .. raw:: html Global Settings