.. _hunt-groups-dashboard: Hunt Groups ------------ .. _19.1.1|VOSS-514: The Hunt Groups landing page provides an overview of the items and tasks available at the **Organization Selection** level: * **Counters** that indicate the number of **Hunt Groups** and **Hunt Pilots**. * **Quick Actions** that provide the following hyperlinks: * **View Hunt Groups** - A list view with controls to manage selected hunt groups. * **Add Hunt Group** - A Hunt Group is added or edited on the Hunt Group Details Dashboard on various panels. * **Call Behaviour**. The Hunt Pilot Pattern consists of a string of digits (an address) and a set of associated digit manipulations that route calls to a hunt list. Hunt pilots provide flexibility in network design. They work in conjunction with route filters and hunt lists to direct calls to specific devices and to include, exclude, or modify specific digit patterns. * **Membership**. The **Line Group Name** is a drop-down list, which allows you to choose an existing line group. The drop-down list displays all existing line groups available at the site. This field can also be used as a free text field. To create a new line group, enter a name in this field. Make sure that each line group name is unique to the route plan. Best practice is to use concise and descriptive names for your line groups. The CompanynameLocationGroup format usually provides a sufficient level of detail and is short enough to enable you to quickly and easily identify a line group. .. rubric:: Related Topics * .. raw:: latex Administrator User Interface in the Business Admin Portal Guide .. raw:: html Administrator User Interface * Hunt Group Management in the Core Feature Guide