.. _associate_voice_mail_services_to_customer: Associate Voice Mail Services to Customer ----------------------------------------- **Prerequisites** * To associate Voice Mail Service with a customer, the Voice Mail Service must be created before starting this procedure. See :ref:`create_voice_mail_service`. * If the **Integrate with Cisco Unified CM** check box was selected when the Voice Mail services was created, a customer dial plan and a site dial plan must be created before a Voice Mail Service can be associated with a customer; otherwise the association will fail. **Perform these steps**: 1. Log in as provider or reseller administrator. 2. Set the hierarchy path to the customer to which you want to associate the Voice Mail Service. 3. Choose **Services > Voice Mail > Associate Voice Mail Service to Customer**. 4. Click **Add** to associate Voice Mail Service to a customer. 5. From the **Voice Mail Service** drop-down, choose the name of the Voice Mail Service that has been defined by the provider and available to this customer. 6. Click **Save** to associate the Voice Mail Service with the customer. The association appears in the list. When the Voice Mail Service is associated with a customer and the **Integrate with Cisco Unified CM** check box was selected for the Voice Mail Service, the following is provisioned based on the deployment mode of the Voice Mail server: +-----------------+----------------------+---------------------------+ | Voice Mail | Cisco Unified | | | Deployment Mode | Communications | Cisco Unity Connection | | | Manager | | +=================+======================+===========================+ | | Creates Integration | Creates customer-specific | | | at customer level: | Port Group, ports (3), | | Dedicated | SipTrunk, Route | route partition, calling | | | Group, AllowVm route | search space and user | | | partition | template | +-----------------+----------------------+---------------------------+ | | Creates Integration | Creates new tenant | | | at customer level: | (partition), port group, | | Partitioned | SipTrunk, Route | ports (3), route | | | Group, AllowVm route | partition, calling search | | | partition | space and user template | +-----------------+----------------------+---------------------------+ Note: The deployment mode for the Voice Mail service is determined by the mode selected when the Cisco Unity Connection is first added to VOSS Automate using **Device Management > CUC**.