.. _associate_pilot_number_to_site: Associate a Voicemail Pilot Number to a Site -------------------------------------------------- This procedure associates an existing voicemail pilot number to a site. **Prerequisites** * Add the voicemail pilot number. See :ref:`define_voice_mail_pilot_number` .. note:: In VOSS Automate, the event related to SIP Local Gateway may be generated as a result. Also you can select an E164 number to associate with the Pilot Number. **Perform these steps**: 1. Log in as a Customer or Provider administrator. 2. Set the hierarchy to the relevant site. 3. Go to (default menus) **Services > Voice Mail > Associate Pilot Number to Site**. 4. Click the Plus icon (+) to add the pilot number to site association. 5. At **Voice Mail Service** (mandatory), choose the voicemail service to associate with the site. 6. At **Voice Mail Service Pilot Number** (mandatory), choose the pilot number for the voicemail service you selected. 7. At **E164 Number** (optional), choose a E164 number from your site's inventory to associate with the pilot number, or type the E164 number you want to use. .. note:: You must choose (or specify) an available E164 number. The transaction will fail if you choose an E164 number that is already assigned. 8. Click **Save**. The voicemail service pilot number is associated with the site: * The association appears in the list. When a pilot number is associated to a site, the **Site Management > Defaults > CUC Defaults** are updated so that the subscriber management templates can take advantage of this new voicemail service for the site. * If the site has one or more SIP Local Gateways associated with it and an E164 number has been specified, the ``HcsSipLocalGwAddVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT`` is generated. If enabled, the IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with the event for each SIP Local Gateway.