VOSS Automate verification --------------------------- .. important:: One or more verification steps require root access to VOSS Automate. These steps must be carried out by VOSS Support. **If working with a cluster** * Verify Primary and Secondary Nodes ``database config`` * Verify cluster connectivity ``cluster status`` * Verify network connectivity, disk status and NTP ``cluster check`` * As **root user** verify port 27020 is open to NBI on TCP/27020 on all Unified Nodes by reading the current firewall rules ``/opt/platform/apps/cluster/cluster.py run application "config.py get /apps/mongodb/firewall/mongodb/all"`` * If not, as **root user** open TCP/27020 on all Unified Nodes to NBI by creating the firewall rule replacing with the IP address of the NBI instance ``/opt/platform/apps/cluster/cluster.py run application "config.py put /apps/mongodb/firewall/mongodb/all all:tcp.27020.0#"`` To check access to the database, use netcat to test the connection to the VOSS database from the NBI machine, replacing with the IP address of the VOSS instance: ``diag test_connection 27020`` A system message confirms whether the connection is successful. You can then recheck the firewall rules again on the VOSS instance: ``config.py get /apps/mongodb/firewall/mongodb/all all:tcp.27020.0#all`` * Copy the DB Password (root) ``/usr/bin/rest --get --path=/apps/voss-deviceapi/config/seed --value`` **If the server is a single node:** * Check all services are up: ``app status`` * Copy the DB Password (root) ``/usr/bin/rest --get --path=/apps/voss-deviceapi/config/seed --value`` * As **root user** verify port 27020 is open to NBI on TCP/27020 by reading the current firewall rules ``config.py get /apps/mongodb/firewall/mongodb/all all:tcp.27020.0#all`` * If not, as **root user** open TCP/27020 to NBI by creating the firewall rule replacing with the IP address of the NBI instance ``config.py put /apps/mongodb/firewall/mongodb/all all:tcp.27020.0#"`` To check access to the database use netcat to test the connection to the VOSS database from the NBI machine, replacing with the IP address of the VOSS instance: ``diag test_connection 27020`` A system message confirms whether the connection is successful. You can then recheck the firewall rules again: ``config.py get /apps/mongodb/firewall/mongodb/all all:tcp.27020.0#all`` Ensure the database model files (schemas) for a *new install only* are added via he GUI - these are the files in the Download section above and are added under the Administration - Import section. Add an NBI user to the VOSS Automate GUI: Note: NBI uses this user for internal communication with VOSS Automate. * Create an administrator account on VOSS Automate, with a credential policy and password that doesn't expire. * Log in as a utility admin and add an NBI user with the following minimum permissions: * relation/HcsHierarchyNodeREL * read * relation/Subscriber * read * tool/Macro * execute (with read access on subscribers) For VOSS Automate Provider administrators wishing to log in to the NBI GUI, the following permissions are required in the access profile: * data/Reports * read * tool/DataExtract * nbi_subscriber