Before You Start ---------------- A set of configuration details and a number of requirements should be met before installation takes place. General Requirements .................... Northbound System Support should be available for SSL configuration and the web service URL. Hardware Requirements ..................... .. tabularcolumns:: |p{18mm}|p{15mm}|p{2cm}|p{25mm}|p{3cm}|p{12mm}|p{15mm}| +-----------+----------+---------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------+--------+------------------+ | Node Type | Quantity | VM | Memory | CPU | Disk | Network | +===========+==========+===============+==========================+====================================+========+==================+ | Generic | 1 | >= VMware 5.1 | 4GB with 4GB Reservation | 2vCPU @ 2Ghz With 4Ghz Reservation | 80 GB | 1 Gbit/s minimum | +-----------+----------+---------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------+--------+------------------+