###################################################### Upgrade Notes for VOSS Automate 21.3 Patch Bundle 3 ###################################################### Upgrade Overview ================ In a new release, there are a number of changes that could relate to exposing new features or capabilities in the system. The default out of the box system would expose these. However, on a system where the configuration around the user experience has been applied, this might mean some changes to configured menus, display policies, and so on to expose the new features in your setup. Where relevant, we have included this information with the feature information to assist in planning for configuration changes as part of the upgrades. This setup could vary. .. important:: * If upgrading directly from Release 21.3 and not from Release 21.3-PB2, please also read the Upgrade Notes for VOSS Automate 21.3 Patch Bundle 1 and VOSS Automate 21.3 Patch Bundle 2. * Microsoft support within NBI From release 21.3 Patch Bundle 1 onwards, Microsoft support within NBI is not available. Contact VOSS Support or your VOSS Account Manager for details. * SSO Login When upgrading from 19.3.4 PB4 to 21.3, VOSS Automate 21.3 Patch Bundle 2 is required to ensure SSO functionality and successful user login. Refer to the topic *User Login Options by Authentication Method and Server Authentication Scope* in the Core Feature Guide. * Self-service Login Users on VOSS Automate 21.3 or VOSS Automate 21.3 Patch Bundle 1 and encounter a blank screen upon Self-service login, should upgrade to VOSS Automate 21.3 Patch Bundle 3. * Phone Based Registration (PBR) If phone based registration is installed on any nodes, please ensure that you are running the 21.3.0 release of PBR before upgrading. This can be done by running ``system mount`` followed by ``app install phone-based-registration ver 21.3.0`` on the relevant nodes. * Cisco-Microsoft hybrid setup in VOSS Automate For users of the Cisco-Microsoft hybrid setup in VOSS Automate, carry out the following customization step: Clone the Configuration Template ``IniUpdateCustomCFT`` to your administrator hierarchy. Update the following fields in the CFT with the macro values: * ``extra2``: ``{{ macro.INI_Extra2_From_Caller_Workflow }}`` * ``extra4``: ``{{ macro.INI_Extra4_From_Caller_Workflow }}`` Optionally, if required, update the ``description`` field as follows: * ``description``: ``{{ macro.INI_Description_From_Caller_Workflow }}`` Refer to the details on the function of this macro in the ``description`` field in the topic *Number Inventory Customization* of the Advanced Configuration Guide. .. important:: Upgrading MS Teams PowerShell Proxy When upgrading to release 21.3-PB3, users of Microsoft apps should update PowerShell Proxy Teams Module to ``4.3.0``. Refer to the detailed steps in the *Method of Procedure (MOP) for 21.3 Patch Bundle 3 Installation*. .. _EKB-13051_upgrade: EKB-13051: UCCX Purge DataSync ------------------------------ Prior to Release 21.3-PB2, UCCX Purge Syncs would not remove local configurations. If the UCCX Purge Sync was previously used, it is recommended to use the instance available in Release 21.3-PB2. .. _EKB-13400_upgrade: EKB-13400: Update to MS CallQueue and AutoAttendant Pilot Number Custom Workflows --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For users of the Cisco-Microsoft Hybrid solution, Release 21.3-PB2 includes changes and related additions related to custom workflows in the DPA Templates for loading CallQueue and AutoAttendant Pilots to update pilot number settings in ``data/NumberInventory``. The related DPA templates are: * ``MS-Teams-Site-CallQueue-Pilot-Number`` * ``MS-Teams-Site-CallQueue-wOutbound-Pilot-Number`` * ``MS-Teams-Site-AutoAttendant-Pilot-Number`` * ``MS-Teams-Site-AutoAttendant-wOutbound-Pilot-Number`` The new and updated workflows, templates and macros are: * Workflows: * ``MS-Teams-DNPattern-INI-Update-Add_PWF`` * ``MS-Teams-DNPattern-INI-Update-Delete_PWF`` * Templates: * ``MS-Teams-DNPattern-INI-Update_CFT`` * New macros: * ``Macro.MS-Teams-Pilot-STR1-E164-Lookup`` * ``Macro.MS-Teams-Pilot-STR1-External-Internal-E164`` .. _EKB-13401_upgrade: EKB-13401 Update to Cisco-Microsoft Dialplan CFTs and DPAs ------------------------------------------------------------- For users of the Cisco-Microsoft dial plans, Release 21.3-PB2 contains an updated set of reference Configuration Templates and sample data. * Microsoft-Hybrid - Configuration templates for MS Teams dial plan: * Route Partitions - USA + GBR + MS-Teams-ISR-BLOCKED-PT_CFT * CSSs - USA + GBR * Route Patterns - USA + GBR * TransPatterns - USA + GBR * Route Lists - USA + GBR To apply to: * ``device/cucm/Css`` * ``device/cucm/RouteList`` * ``device/cucm/RoutePartition`` * ``device/cucm/RoutePattern`` * ``device/cucm/TransPattern`` * Microsoft-Hybrid - Sample data related: * Sample data instances in ``data/GS_SMETemplateData_DAT`` (including Pilot number DPA templates) loaded at the ``sys``, ``hcs`` level. * Configuration templates for MS Teams to apply to ``device/cucm/Css`` .. note:: This should allow testing of Cisco-Microsoft Hybrid dialplan in *both* GBR and USA sites (also with LBO support) There is also a fix to the DPA templates updating a macro from: ``{# data.InternalNumberInventory.internal_number | status:Available |\ndirection:up #}`` to ``{# data.InternalNumberInventory.internal_number | available:fn.true |\ndirection:up #}`` .. _EKB-13438: EKB-13438 MS Teams tab updates on the Site defaults for hybrid users ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After upgrading to Release 21.3-PB2, the management of hybrid users by means of Site Default settings on the MS Teams tab, has been updated. In particular: 1. Enabling or disabling MS Teams Voice services settings for Emergency Calling Policy and Emergency Call Routing Policy will now function according to the Site defaults settings. 2. Default Teams Video Interop Service Policy and Default Teams Upgrade Policy can now also be managed via the Site defaults