.. _api-request-headers: API Request Headers ------------------- .. _21.3|VOSS-911|EKB-11874: .. _21.3|VOSS-911|EKB-11871: .. note:: VOSS Automate will not support API Backward Compatibility from release 21.1 and future releases. From release 21.1 forward, the following must be removed from API requests. * API parameter: ``api_version=`` * Request header: ``X-Version:`` API Headers are available for pagination of choices and macro results in an API call. The headers are ``X-range`` and ``Range``, with the starting value as 0. These override and can be used instead of the ``skip`` and ``limit`` API parameters. For example, the following examples return the same results: :: GET /api/tool/Macro/?method=evaluate &hierarchy=[hierarchy] &input={{fn.lines}} &skip=0 &limit=6 GET /api/tool/Macro/?method=evaluate &hierarchy=[hierarchy] &input={{fn.lines}} Request headers: X-Range: items=0-5 Range: items=0-5 If the request is ``items=0-199`` (for 200 items) and there are more results, the response will show: :: Content-Range:items 0-199/999999999 Since it is undetermined how many items there are, the value ``999999999`` represents the total. In this example, we have a total of 298 items. if a subsequent request is for the next 200 items (200-399), this includes the total. The response will then also show the total number of items (298) returned by the macro: :: Content-Range:items 200-399/298 Admin ....................... All API requests for Automate Classic Admin GUI to the Automate API include the following headers: :: REQUEST-PORTAL: Automate Classic Admin PORTAL-TYPE: administration All API requests for Automate Admin GUI to the Automate API include the following headers: :: REQUEST-PORTAL: Automate Admin PORTAL-TYPE: administration All API requests for Automate Business Admin GUI to the Automate API include the following headers: :: REQUEST-PORTAL: Automate Business Admin PORTAL-TYPE: administration Self-service ............. All API requests for Self-service to the Automate API include the following headers: :: REQUEST-PORTAL: Automate Self-service PORTAL-TYPE: end-user From a VOSS Automate API perspective, the headers are coming from Self-service. However, from a browser perspective, the user will not see the headers in browser developer tools, since Self-service requests are terminated by a Node.js server on the VOSS platform. The header injection is done in Node.js.