.. _api-filter-params-choices: Filter Parameters for Choices ----------------------------- .. _21.2|EKB-8538: For the context in which the filter parameter are used, refer to the Choices topic on the ``/choices/`` endpoint. Format: :: GET http:///api///choices/ ?hierarchy=[hierarchy] &format=json & Response data of the ``/choices/`` endpoint *without* filter parameters is a list of value-title pairs of the business keys. This can be modified with filter parameters. Example without ````: * Request :: GET http:///api/data/Countries/choices/ ?hierarchy=[hierarchy] &format=json * Response :: HTTP 200 OK Vary: Accept X-Request-ID: 9bcd77b4cd27dccd0f18a1d8d22e7ddab85aa848 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS Response-Content: { pagination : { direction : asc, maximum_limit : 2000, skip : 0, limit : 0, total_limit : , total : 37 }, meta : { query : /api/data/Countries/choices/, references : [ { pkid : 5a16c3c68963f91b84baf357, href : /api/data/Countries/5a16c3c68963f91b84baf357/ }, ... ] }, choices : [ { value : ["Australia", "AUS", "hcs"], title : ["Australia", "AUS", "hcs"] }, ... Filter parameters available to modify the response: * ``field``: specifies the field in the business key to return as title and value, for example adding the parameter below :: &field=iso_country_code would return: :: choices : [ { value : ["AUS"], title : ["AUS"] }, ... * ``choice_title``: specifies the field of the business key to be the ``title`` value, for example adding the parameter below :: &field=iso_country_code &choice_title=country_name would return: :: choices : [ { value : ["AUS"], title : ["Australia"] }, ... * ``title``: specifies the value of the ``field`` parameter to filter on, for example adding the parameter below :: &field=iso_country_code &title=BHR &choice_title=country_name would return: :: choices : [ { value : ["BHR"], title : ["Bahrain"] }, ... Note that the ``title`` parameter matches on the *start* of the value. * ``filter_condition``: For an *exact* match, the ``&filter_condition=equals`` parameter can be added, for example: :: &filter_condition=equals &field=iso_country_code &choice_title=country_name &title=N returns no value: :: choices [] Without ``filter_condition=equals``, in other words, with just: :: &field=iso_country_code &choice_title=country_name &title=N returns: :: choices": [ {"value": "NLD", "title": "Netherlands"}, {"value": "NZL", "title": "New Zealand"}] * ``filter_field`` and ``filter_text``: the parameters are a field with value to filter on that is not the ``field`` parameter, for example to list only countries with ``emergency_access_prefix:911``: :: &field=iso_country_code &choice_title=country_name &filter_condition=equals &filter_field=emergency_access_prefix &filter_text=911 returns: :: choices":[ {"value":"CAN","title":"Canada"}, {"value":"USA","title":"United States of America"}] .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM .. |API Guide| replace:: API Guide