
Model: view/OnboardCUCMAssuranceAsset

This tool onboards a single Cisco Unity Connection cluster as an asset onto an Assurance arbitrator server.

Model Details: view/OnboardCUCMAssuranceAsset

Title Description Details
Credential Type Select the credential type of the selected cluster to use for monitoring. Default: ADMIN
  • Field Name: credential_type
  • Type: String
  • Default: ADMIN
  • Choices: ["SNMP_V1", "SNMP_V2", "SNMP_V3", "ADMIN", "PLATFORM", "WMI", "IOS_ENABLE", "HTTP", "CLI", "OPERATOR", "SFTP", "JTAPI"]
Cisco Unity Connection Cluster * Select the Cisco Unity Connection cluster to onboard as assets onto the selected Assurance Arbitrator.
  • Field Name: cuc_cluster
  • Type: String
  • Choices: []
Arbitrator Server * Select an Arbitrator server as target to create asset and related configuration for the cluster selected above.
  • Field Name: arbitrator
  • Type: String