
Model: view/HcsE164InventoryMgmtView

Model Details: view/HcsE164InventoryMgmtView

Title Description Details
Site Optional. If a site is selected, the E164 inventory will be provisioned at the specfied site. In this case, the country will be that of the selected site and cannot be changed. If a site is not selected, the E164 inventory will be provisioned at the customer hierarchy. In this case, the admin can select the country for the new inventory.
  • Field Name: site_hn
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [" "]
Country Please choose country to associate to the E164 numbers. If you are adding this inventory to a site, you can only use the country associated with the site. If you are adding this inventory to the customer hierarchy, you may select countries supported by your CUCDM.
  • Field Name: country
  • Type: String
  • Choices: [" "]
Country Code Informative. Country Code for the selected Country that must be used in both the starting and ending number for the provisioning request.
  • Field Name: cc
  • Type: String
Starting Number * Starting Number for the E164 Number Range to provision.
  • Field Name: startNum
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^\+[0-9]*$
Ending Number Ending Number for the E164 Number Range to provision.
  • Field Name: endNum
  • Type: String
  • Pattern: ^\+[0-9]*$