
Model: relation/HcsDpClassOfServiceREL

Model Details: relation/HcsDpClassOfServiceREL

Title Description Details
Class of Service Name * The name for this class of service. You can either select from drop down or enter a custom value. If selected from the drop down, selected CSS will be included as COS
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Description (Deprecated) Deprecated.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Calling Search Space Name (Deprecated) Deprecated.
  • Field Name: cssName
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Device CSS Name (Deprecated) Deprecated.
  • Field Name: deviceCssName
  • Type: String
  • MaxLength: 1024
Members Deprecated.
  • Field Name: partitions.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: cos
  • Type: Object
  • Field Name: cos.description
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 50
Partition Usage Default: General
  • Field Name: cos.partitionUsage
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: General
  • Choices: ["Intercom", "Call Control Discovery Learned Pattern", "General", "Directory URI"]
  • Field Name: members
  • Type: ["Object", "Null"]
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Field Name: member.[n]
  • Type: Array
  • Field Name: cos.members.member.[n].index
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
Route Partition Name *
  • Field Name: cos.members.member.[n].routePartitionName
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/device/cucm/RoutePartition/choices/?field=name&format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24qgzzaiRUeaOaSQCO%24Pm7eG8bvwnPzipp7negTPxbjrm6D7%2BW76N183in/SFYZXc9OIMYr3WbuI6PoSzwKWCIVWKDq6yNvPCy%2Bk/7hNTfsCavTzYzNl2wlxNjyGxjVdprT0m67LIGSKbBrqqvNVH2XoR0rX6nI%2BWnz1VxZWWrr2O8LRPF8/5cqqv0hbwma61TUgrZfeTX%2BOK32I3ljYgscP3pbsb3A9i%2B7HGrSoE8M6A0Eo0Gym6ibw7hWFPYolBRaO5mr5ijzPaf3gqmp767%2Bc2Nt5mr9/nJKIbY6JpE5YTGw3oV92fx8g3fqA8yC0sk6FELv09xF57vGVS8DLAA02/ianYu4zxqo543Kp%2B26VX/oDxOeiWC8xQKiYWTCSNaMB91t2XJ91tOKFAZ7pt/CJShjHrUYS3pefUa0%24%3D%3D
  • Target attr: name
  • Target Model Type: device/cucm/RoutePartition
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Name *
  • Field Name: cos.name
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • MaxLength: 50