
Model: device/uccx/ContactServiceQueue

Contact Center Management

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The Cisco Contact Center Express (CCX) feature in VOSS Automate allows administrators to manage Agents and related configuration from a single pane of glass.

In addition to managing these configuration elements directly, the VOSS Automate Day 2 features also provide seamless CCX management.

As a part of Contact Center management, VOSS Automate provides a number of interfaces. The associated Contact Center device models that will also be synced to the Contact Center server (CCX device) upon a data sync.


Agents that have been synced in or added when adding subscribers at a specific customer or site hierarchy are listed here.

The detail view of an Agent opened from the list also shows the Agent's devices and tagged lines.

Synced agents from CCX that have not been moved to a site may show the agent to be at the Customer hierarchy level.

It is possible to manage agents directly. An agent can also be added: choose User ID from the drop down.

The following agent properties can easily be managed from a single interface:


Contact Center Agent Team names, their primary and secondary supervisors, team members and team availability to Contact Service Queues can be defined and managed by a a set of side-by-side transfer boxes on the user interface.

It is possible to manage Teams at a customer level. When creating a new team at the customer level, the user must select a Network Device List.

Resource Groups

A list of Resource Groups can be defined that will comprise of one or more Agent Profiles. When creating these directly in VOSS Automate, they should therefore be defined before Agent Profiles are created.

When the Agent Profiles are created or maintained, the Resource Groups are referenced.

Also, when a Contact Service Queue can be configured to use Resource Groups.


A list of skills can be defined and competency levels are assigned to a selected skill when it is applied to an Agent, Agent Profile or a Skill Group in a Contact Service Queue.

Contact Service Queues

Incoming contact center calls are placed in the queue and sent to a specific agent in accordance with the specific queue configuration.

The Contact Service Queues (CSQs) interface allows for the properties of the configuration to be defined, for example associating Resource Groups or Skills.

If Voice, Chat and Email types of Contact Service Queues exist on CCX, data from these are included when a Contact Center server is imported. The queue types can then be managed.


When a Queue Type is EMAIL, then the Email Username (accountUserId) and Email Password (accountPassword) fields are exposed on the input form and are mandatory.

Agent Profiles

An Agent Profile comprises of a:

These should therefore be defined before creating an Agent Profile.


Agent Profiles should be created before creating an Agent using Quick Add Subscriber.

Re-skill Contact Center Agents

As a part of Contact Center agent management, re-skill menu items are available with access to user interface controls such as side-by-side transfer boxes or drop down lists.

These controls provide functionality to easily re-skill a selected number of contact center agents:

Example Setup Journey

  1. Configure Unified CM and CCX server integration (this is done directly on the UC apps).

  2. Create a new CCX server at the relevant customer hierarchy level:

    1. Use CCX admin user credentials
    2. Pick the list of Unified CM application users to be used for agent device association.
  3. Update the Network Device List (NDL):

    1. The relevant Unified CM and CCX servers must be referenced in the NDL.
    2. This NDL must be set for each site hierarchy where agents will be managed.
  4. Sync the existing configuration from the CCX server.

    This can be done either directly from the CCX server page or via the Data Sync menu.

  5. Create Agent Profiles under the Contact Center menu (usually under Subscriber Management).

  6. Create a new Agent:

    1. Using Quick Add Subscriber
    2. Using Subscriber feature
    3. Directly using the Agent feature under the Contact Center menu (usually under Subscriber Management).

Model Details: device/uccx/ContactServiceQueue

Title Description Details
Queue Details Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Queue Details
  • Type: Object
Name * Enter a meaningful name that is concise, yet easy to recognize (for example, Language Experts).
  • Field Name: Queue Details.name
  • Type: String
Queue Type Agents in this CSQ can handle inbound and outbound voice calls, chats and email
  • Field Name: Queue Details.queueType
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["CHAT", "EMAIL", "VOICE"]
Queue Algorithm Display only. Displays the criteria used for queuing the contacts. For example, First In, First Out.
  • Field Name: Queue Details.queueAlgorithm
  • Type: String
Routing Type
  • Field Name: Queue Details.routingType
  • Type: String
Email Username The email address to which emails are sent or retrieved.
  • Field Name: Queue Details.accountUserId
  • Type: String
Email Password Password for email account.
  • Field Name: Queue Details.accountPassword
  • Type: String
  • Is Password: True
Polling Interval (Seconds) Frequency in seconds to fetch emails from the server. Default value = 600, Range = 10 to 86400. Default: 600
  • Field Name: Queue Details.pollingInterval
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 600
Inbox Folder Name The folder from which emails will be fetched and queued for the Contact Service Queue. Default value = Inbox folder of the selected mail server type. Default: Inbox
  • Field Name: Queue Details.folderName
  • Type: String
  • Default: Inbox
Snapshot Age (Minutes) Specify the time in minutes from when the emails are to be fetched. Default value = 120, Range = 10 to 43200. For example, if you specify 120 minutes, this field fetches the emails from the last two hours. Default: 120
  • Field Name: Queue Details.snapshotAge
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 120
Automatic Work Determines whether agents handling calls that are routed through this CSQ automatically enter the Work state when a call ends.
  • Field Name: Queue Details.autoWork
  • Type: Boolean
Service Level The target maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent. Default: 5
  • Field Name: Queue Details.serviceLevel
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 5
Service Level Percentage The target goal for percentage of contacts that meet the service level. For example, a call center that has a service level of 20 and a service level percentage of 80 percent has a goal of answering 80 percent of its calls within 20 seconds. Default: 70
  • Field Name: Queue Details.serviceLevelPercentage
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 70
Wrap up Time Determines the length of the Work state for this CSQ when a call ends. Value of 0 means disabled.
  • Field Name: Queue Details.wrapupTime
  • Type: Integer
Resource Pool Type To create a skills-based or resource group-based CSQ. Default: Resource Skills
  • Field Name: Queue Details.resourcePoolType
  • Type: String
  • Default: Resource Skills
  • Choices: ["Resource Skills", "Resource Group"]
Resource Group Settings
  • Field Name: resourceGroup
  • Type: Object
Resource Group
  • Field Name: Queue Details.resourceGroup.resourceGroupName
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/uccx/ResourceGroup
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Selection Criteria Default: Longest Available
  • Field Name: Queue Details.resourceGroup.selectionCriteria
  • Type: String
  • Default: Longest Available
  • Choices: ["Longest Available", "Linear", "Circular", "Most Handled Contacts", "Shortest Average Handle Time"]
  • Field Name: agents.[n]
  • Type: Array
Skill Group
  • Field Name: skillGroup
  • Type: Object
Selection Criteria Longest Available - Selects the agent who has been in the Available state for the longest amount of time. Most Handled Contacts - Selects the agent who has handled the most calls. Shortest Average Handle Time - Selects the agent who generally spends the least amount of time talking to customers. Most Skilled - Used for expert agent call distribution. Selects the agent with the highest total competency level. The total competency level is determined by adding the agent's competency levels for each of their assigned skills that are also assigned to the CSQ. Example 1: If Agent1 is assigned Skill1(5), Skill2(6), and Skill3(7) and CSQ1 specifies Skill1(min=1) and Skill3(min=1), the total competency level for Agent1 for CSQ1 is 12. Example 2: If Agent1 is assigned Skill1(5) and Skill2(6) and Skill3(7) and CSQ1 specifies Skill1(min=1), only, the total competency level for Agent1 for CSQ1 is 5. Least Skilled - Used for expert agent call distribution. Selects the agent with the lowest total competency level. The total competency level is determined by adding the agent’s competency level in each assigned skill. Most Skilled by Weight - Used for expert agent call distribution. Selects the agent with the highest total competency level multiplied by the skill’s associated weight. Least Skilled by Weight - Used for expert agent call distribution. Selects the agent with the lowest total competency level multiplied by the skill’s associated weight. Most Skilled by Order - Used for expert agent call distribution. Selects the agent with the highest total competency level in the ordered list. Least Skilled by Order - Used for expert agent call distribution. Selects the agent with the lowest total competency level in the ordered list. Default: Longest Available
  • Field Name: Queue Details.skillGroup.selectionCriteria
  • Type: String
  • Default: Longest Available
  • Choices: ["Longest Available", "Most Handled Contacts", "Shortest Average Handle Time", "Most Skilled", "Least Skilled", "Most Skilled by Weight", "Least Skilled by Weight", "Most Skilled by Order", "Least Skilled by Order"]
  • Field Name: skills.[n]
  • Type: Array
Minimum Competence Level Default: 5
  • Field Name: Queue Details.skillGroup.skills.[n].competencelevel
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 5
  • Choices: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]
Weight Default: 1
  • Field Name: Queue Details.skillGroup.skills.[n].weight
  • Type: String
  • Default: 1
  • Field Name: Queue Details.skillGroup.skills.[n].skillName
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/uccx/Skill
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri