Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MobilityPolicy |
VoiceRoutingPolicy |
DisplayName |
TargetServerIfMoving |
HostingProvider |
UserServicesPolicy |
UserRoutingGroupId |
TenantId |
LineURI |
DisplayNumber * | The telephone number of the contact. Display numbers for each contact must be unique (for instance, no two Exchange UM contacts can have the same display number). This value may begin with a plus sign (+) and may contain any number of digits. The first digit cannot be zero. |
OtherIpPhone |
WhenChanged |
ExternalAccessPolicy |
Guid |
Description | A description of this contact. The description is for use by administrators to identify the type of contact (Auto Attendant or Subscriber Access), the location, provider, or any other information that will identify the purpose of each Exchange UM contact. |
EnterpriseVoiceEnabled | Indicates whether the contact has been enabled for Enterprise Voice. If this value is set to False, the Auto Attendant or Subscriber Access feature associated with this contact will no longer be available. |
ObjectClass |
ClientVersionPolicy |
VoicePolicy |
PinPolicy |
ThirdPartyVideoSystemPolicy |
SipAddress * | The SIP address of the contact. This must be a new address that does not already exist as a user or contact in Active Directory Domain Services. This value must begin with the string sip: followed by the SIP address. |
PersistentChatPolicy |
ConferencingPolicy |
EnabledForInternetAccess |
ArchivingPolicy |
DistinguishedName |
OriginatingServer |
Name |
ObjectId |
EnabledForFederation |
Enabled | Indicates whether or not the contact has been enabled for Skype for Business Server 2015. Setting this parameter to False will disable the contact, and the Auto Attendant or Subscriber Access associated with this contact will no longer function. If you disable an account by using the Enabled parameter, the information associated with that account (including assigned hosted voice mail policies) is retained. If you later re-enable the account using the Enable parameter, the associated account information will be restored. |
RegistrarPool * | The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool on which the Registrar service is running. Note that an Exchange UM contact in Skype for Business Server 2015 cannot be moved to pools that are part of Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 or Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 deployments. Full data type: Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deploy.Fqdn |
ExchangeArchivingPolicy | Indicates where the contact's instant messaging sessions are archived. Allowed values are: Uninitialized UseLyncArchivingPolicy ArchivingToExchange NoArchiving |
IsSubscriberAccess |
WhenCreated |
AutoAttendant | Specifies whether this contact object is an Auto Attendant. (Auto Attendant provides a set of voice prompts that allow callers to navigate the phone system and reach the intended party.) Default: False |
TargetRegistrarPool |
ExUmEnabled |
ExperiencePolicy |
IsByPassValidation |
AddressBookPolicy |
ClientPolicy |
HostedVoicemailPolicy |
PublicNetworkEnabled |
ObjectCategory |
LocationPolicy |
PresencePolicy |
GraphPolicy |
ProxyAddresses |
ObjectState |
Identity | The unique identifier of the contact object you want to retrieve. Contact identities can be specified using one of four formats: 1) the contact's SIP address; 2) the contact's user principal name (UPN); 3) the contact's domain name and logon name, in the form domain\logon (for example, litwareinc\exum1); and, 4) the contact's Active Directory display name (for example, Team Auto Attendant). Full data type: Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.UserIdParameter |
IsValid |
OU * | The organizational unit (OU) where this contact will be located in Active Directory. Full data type: Microsoft.Rtc.Management.AD.OUIdParameter |
DialPlan |
CallViaWorkPolicy |
LegalInterceptPolicy |
HomeServer |
EnabledForRichPresence |