
Model: device/pexip/Conference

PexIP Users

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  1. To manage Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMR), choose Subscriber Management > Pexip Conference Users menus. You will be prompted to select a hierarchy.
  2. The Name and Owner's email address are mandatory fields.
  3. If used, the Host PIN can be reset on Resetting UC Passwords.
  4. If you select Allow Guests, an input box is shown to enter the Guest PIN.
  5. Complete the required fields and click Save.

The name of the VMR will now show on the list of the Virtual Meeting Rooms from the Services on the Pexip Conferencing Platform. Any changes to the VMR on the Pexip Conferencing Platform will also update the VMR in VOSS Automate.

Virtual Meeting Rooms are set up as a part of User management - see:

Model Details: device/pexip/Conference

Title Description Details
Virtual Meeting Room Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room
  • Type: Object
Name * The name used to refer to this Virtual Meeting Room. Maximum length: 250 characters.
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.name
  • Type: String
Description A description of the Virtual Meeting Room. Maximum length: 250 characters.
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.description
  • Type: String
Creation Time The time at which the configuration was created.
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.creation_time
  • Type: String
Host PIN This optional field allows you to set a secure access code for participants who dial in to the Virtual Meeting Room. Length: 4-20 digits, including any terminal #.
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.pin
  • Type: String
Allow Guests Yes: the conference will have two types of participants: Hosts and Guests. You must enter a PIN in the field above to be used by the Hosts. You can optionally enter a Guest PIN in the field below; if you do not enter a Guest PIN, Guests can join without a PIN, but the meeting will not start until the first Host has joined. No: all participants will have Host privileges.
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.allow_guests
  • Type: Boolean
Guest PIN This optional field allows you to set a secure access code for Guest participants who dial in to the Virtual Meeting Room. Length: 4-20 digits, including any terminal #.
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.guest_pin
  • Type: String
View The layout that participants will see. Default: one_main_seven_pips
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.host_view
  • Type: String
  • Default: one_main_seven_pips
  • Choices: ["Full-screen main speaker only (1 + 0 layout)", "4 main speakers only (4 + 0 layout)", "Large main speaker and up to 7 other participants (1 + 7 layout)", "Small main speaker and up to 21 other participants (1 + 21 layout)", "2 small main speakers and up to 21 other participants (2 + 21 layout)"]
Show names of participants If enabled, each participant's display name or alias will be shown across the bottom of their video image. For more information, see Showing the names of participants.
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.enable_overlay_text
  • Type: Boolean
IVR Theme
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.ivr_theme
  • Type: String
  • Target: device/pexip/IvrTheme
  • Target attr: name
  • Format: uri
Owner's email address * The email address of the owner of the VMR. Maximum length: 100 characters.
  • Field Name: Virtual Meeting Room.primary_owner_email_address
  • Type: String
Advanced options Group Assigned by FDP
  • Field Name: Advanced options
  • Type: Object
Guests Can Present If enabled, Guests and Hosts can present into the conference. If disabled, only Hosts can present.
  • Field Name: Advanced options.guests_can_present
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Chat Enables relay of chat messages between conference participants using Lync / Skype for Business and Infinity Connect clients. You can use this option to override the global configuration setting. Default: default
  • Field Name: Advanced options.enable_chat
  • Type: String
  • Default: default
  • Choices: ["Use global chat setting", "Yes", "No"]
Maximum inbound call bandwidth (kbps) This optional field allows you to limit the bandwidth of media being received by Pexip Infinity from each individual participant dialed in to this Virtual Meeting Room. Range: 128 to 8192.
  • Field Name: Advanced options.max_callrate_in
  • Type: Integer
Maximum outbound call bandwidth (kbps) This optional field allows you to limit the bandwidth of media being sent by Pexip Infinity to each individual participant dialed in to this Virtual Meeting Room. Range: 128 to 8192.
  • Field Name: Advanced options.max_callrate_out
  • Type: Integer
Conference capabilities Maximum media content of the conference. Participants will not be able to escalate beyond the selected capability. Default: video
  • Field Name: Advanced options.call_type
  • Type: String
  • Default: video
  • Choices: ["Audio-only", "Main video + presentation", "Main video only"]
Maximum call quality Sets the maximum call quality for each participant.
  • Field Name: Advanced options.max_pixels_per_second
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Use global setting", "SD", "HD", "Full HD (1080p)"]
Media encryption Controls the media encryption requirements for participants connecting to this service. Use global setting: use the global media encryption setting (Platform > Global Settings). Best effort: each participant will use media encryption if their device supports it, otherwise the connection will be unencrypted. Required: all participants (including RTMP participants) must use media encryption. No encryption: all H.323, SIP and MS-SIP participants must use unencrypted media. (RTMP participants will use encryption if their device supports it, otherwise the connection will be unencrypted.)
  • Field Name: Advanced options.crypto_mode
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["Use global setting", "Best effort", "Required", "No encryption"]
Participant Limit This optional field allows you to limit the number of participants allowed to join this Virtual Meeting Room. Range: 0 to 1000000.
  • Field Name: Advanced options.participant_limit
  • Type: Integer
Service tag A unique identifier used to track usage of this Virtual Meeting Room. Maximum length: 250 characters.
  • Field Name: Advanced options.tag
  • Type: String