
Model: device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineLisCivicAddress

Model Details: device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineLisCivicAddress

Title Description Details
City Specifies a new city for the civic address.
  • Field Name: City
  • Type: String
City Alias Short form of the city name.
  • Field Name: CityAlias
  • Type: String
CivicAddressId The Identity parameter is a unique identifier that designates the name of the policy
  • Field Name: CivicAddressId
  • Type: String
Company Name * Specifies a new company name for the civic address.
  • Field Name: CompanyName
  • Type: String
Company Tax ID Used to store TaxId for regulatory reasons.
  • Field Name: CompanyTaxId
  • Type: String
Country Or Region * Specifies the country or region of the new civic address. Needs to be a valid country code as contained in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 specification.
  • Field Name: CountryOrRegion
  • Type: String
Default Location ID Default location identifier
  • Field Name: DefaultLocationId
  • Type: String
Description Description
  • Field Name: Description
  • Type: ["String", "Null"]
Emergency Location Identification Number Specifies the Emergency Location Identification Number. This is used in Direct Routing EGW scenarios.
  • Field Name: Elin
  • Type: String
House Number Specifies the new numeric portion of the civic address.
  • Field Name: HouseNumber
  • Type: String
House Number Suffix Specifies the new numeric suffix of the new civic address. For example, if the property was multiplexed, the HouseNumberSuffix parameter would be the multiplex specifier: "425A Smith Avenue", or "425B Smith Avenue".
  • Field Name: HouseNumberSuffix
  • Type: String
Latitude Specifies the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator.
  • Field Name: Latitude
  • Type: String
Longitude Specifies the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England.
  • Field Name: Longitude
  • Type: String
Number Of Telephone Numbers Number Of Telephone Numbers
  • Field Name: NumberOfTelephoneNumbers
  • Type: Integer
Number Of Voice Users Number Of Voice Users
  • Field Name: NumberOfVoiceUsers
  • Type: Integer
Postal Code Specifies the new postal code of the civic address.
  • Field Name: PostalCode
  • Type: String
Post Directional Specifies the new directional attribute of the civic address which follows the street name. For example, "425 Smith Avenue NE".
  • Field Name: PostDirectional
  • Type: String
Pre Directional Specifies the new directional attribute of the civic address which precedes the street name. For example, "425 NE Smith Avenue".
  • Field Name: PreDirectional
  • Type: String
State Or Province Specifies the new state or province of the civic address.
  • Field Name: StateOrProvince
  • Type: String
Street Name Specifies the new street name of the civic address.
  • Field Name: StreetName
  • Type: String
Street Suffix Specifies the new modifier of the street name of the new civic address. The street suffix will typically be something like street, avenue, way, or boulevard.
  • Field Name: StreetSuffix
  • Type: String
Validation Status Validated addresses cannot be changed, the address must be removed and added again. This parameter is restricted within Remote Tenant PowerShell.
  • Field Name: ValidationStatus
  • Type: String