Title | Description | Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Default Codec | Not valid for get and list Default: G.711 |
Name * | Enter a unique name for this region. This name can comprise up to 30 characters. Valid characters include letters, numbers, dashes, dots (periods), blanks, and underscores. Note   Cisco recommends that you reset devices after changing a region name. |
Related Regions |
Related Region |
Lossy Network |
Bandwidth * | The entries in this column specify the maximum audio bit rate between the region that you are configuring and the region that displays in the corresponding row. Default: 64 |
Immersive Video Bandwidth * | The entries in this column specify the maximum immersive video bit rate (including audio) between the region that you are configuring and the region that displays in the corresponding row. Default: 2147483647 |
Video Bandwidth (kbps) * | The entries in this column specify the maximum video bit rate (including audio) between the region that you are configuring and the region that displays in the corresponding row. Default: 384 |
Codec Preference | The entries in this column specify the audio codec preference relationship between the region that you are configuring and the region that displays in the corresponding row. |
Regions * | The entries in this window pane specify all existing regions, including the Default region, the region that you are configuring, and all other regions. Choose a region in this pane prior to configuring the relationships between the region that you are configuring and the chosen region. |