
Model: device/cucm/Gatekeeper

Model Details: device/cucm/Gatekeeper

Title Description Details
Retry Timeout * Value should be numbers in range of 30 to 600 Default: 300
  • Field Name: retryTimeout
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: 300
Enable Device Default: True
  • Field Name: enableDevice
  • Type: Boolean
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • Default: True
Name * From Device Table
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • MaxLength: 128
Rrq Time To Live * Value should be numbers in range of 30 to 300 Default: 60
  • Field Name: rrqTimeToLive
  • Type: Integer
  • Cardinality: [1..1]
  • Default: 60
Description From Device Table
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
  • Cardinality: [0..1]
  • MaxLength: 128