
Model: device/cuc/VpimLocation

Model Details: device/cuc/VpimLocation

Title Description Details
Enable Auto Update Contact Display Name A flag indicating whether a contact's display name is updated when a contact is automatically updated.
  • Field Name: EnableAutoUpdateContactDisplayName
  • Type: Boolean
Display Name The unique text name of this Location, e.g. "Seattle Office." Used when displaying entries in the administrative console, e.g. Cisco Unity Connection Administration.
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
Auto Create Display Name Rule Indicates how text names on incoming messages will be mapped to the display name for auto-created contacts. A value of NULL indicates the text name is mapped directly to the display name of the contact. A non-null value indicates this is a custom rule that defines the mapping of the text name to the display name. Example: <FirstName>, <LastName>
  • Field Name: AutoCreateDisplayNameRule
  • Type: String
Enable Auto Delete Contact A flag indicating whether a contact is automatically deleted when an NDR is received.
  • Field Name: EnableAutoDeleteContact
  • Type: Boolean
Voice Name The name of the WAV file containing the recorded audio (voice name, greeting, etc.) for the parent object.
  • Field Name: VoiceName
  • Type: String
Audio Format Outgoing An enumeration indicating whether VPIM messages from Unity to the remote system corresponding to this location should be converted to another audio format.
  • Field Name: AudioFormatOutgoing
  • Type: Integer
Local Phone Prefix The number used to construct addresses for contacts who use the voice messaging system that corresponds to this location. NULL is allowed.
  • Field Name: LocalPhonePrefix
  • Type: String
Destination Type For delivery locations, the destination type for that location, e.g. Connection, Unity, VPIM, Bridge.
  • Field Name: DestinationType
  • Type: Integer
Last Directory Push Date The time and date of the last manual directory push to this VPIM location. NULL indicates no push has taken place.
  • Field Name: LastDirectoryPushDate
  • Type: String
Ip Address
  • Field Name: IpAddress
  • Type: String
Partition Object Id The unique identifier of the Partition to which the DtmfAccessId is assigned.
  • Field Name: PartitionObjectId
  • Type: String
Use Smart Smtp Host A flag indicating whether the Unity Connection SMTP server forwards messages to the SMTP Smart Host for delivery. Values: 0: Do not forward to SMTP Smart Host 1: Forward message to SMTP Smart Host
  • Field Name: UseSmartSmtpHost
  • Type: Boolean
Smtp Domain The domain portion (right-half) of an internet-addressable address (for example, london.cisco.com). This is used to form a user's, contact's, and distribution list's SMTP address (tbl_Alias.SmtpAddress).
  • Field Name: SmtpDomain
  • Type: String
Dtmf Name The series of digits corresponding to the numeric keypad mapping on a standard touchtone phone representing the display name of the location. These digits are used for searching the location by name via the phone.
  • Field Name: DtmfName
  • Type: String
Enable AGC A flag indicating whether Cisco Unity Connection should apply software-based gain control to messages received from this VPIM location.
  • Field Name: EnableAGC
  • Type: Boolean
Voice Name URI
  • Field Name: VoiceNameURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24derb9eAn3QuaDkwC%24Ko3EVHXYFzHNI7na1UvFD4mzJCT64B2L4y5PMeX7dZJPG3KffEj8ht/eS5%2Bxz2SGxgCnY3mvXEts12d87UXe5/GALMqromfcvr/zB0dXnsHWKwdmgVHiGOmOYMo5L6eLO4IOT/0bkx1BUEvGjYWqOgvkwQsIcYyImDnkENUSA2hcRTNc91GAlFo33ZLhnmMsw5RJkNsdw46QBfHGqWWiLQ0Y/qCmBBBXJd1ZGjGvKWAzB1waY0XTvzhrxmela8r6GyK0W1%2B0qwn0dWIZOWJCR0GLDjoQEQE/qLmuUuMnt/Fhlc3VAj0cM8c9y4KByR7RJjRLAH/YT8iFggVO49AcGo0%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Push Directory Tells SMTP service whether or not to execute a manual directory push to this VPIM location.
  • Field Name: PushDirectory
  • Type: Boolean
Location Object Id Points to the LocationVMS record identifying where this VPIM location was created.
  • Field Name: LocationObjectId
  • Type: String
Allow Blind Addressing A flag indicating whether messages can be addressed to this location without an existing handler or subscriber.
  • Field Name: AllowBlindAddressing
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Auto Update Contact An enumeration indicating whether a contact is automatically updated when messages are received from senders at this location, and if so, under what condition the contact is updated.
  • Field Name: EnableAutoUpdateContact
  • Type: Integer
Contact Template Object Id The template upon which to base new contacts created whose destination for messages is this LocationVPIM.
  • Field Name: ContactTemplateObjectId
  • Type: String
Search Space Object Id The unique identifier of the SearchSpace that determines the Partition(s) that are searched to find the recipient of an incoming VPIM message to a user.
  • Field Name: SearchSpaceObjectId
  • Type: String
Enable Auto Create No Voice Name A flag indicating whether a contact may be automatically created/updated when the incoming VPIM message does not include a recorded voice name.
  • Field Name: EnableAutoCreateNoVoiceName
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Outgoing Secure Messages A flag indicating whether outgoing messages can be marked "Secure."
  • Field Name: EnableOutgoingSecureMessages
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Outgoing Private Messages A flag indicating whether outgoing messages can be marked "Private."
  • Field Name: EnableOutgoingPrivateMessages
  • Type: Boolean
Search Space URI
  • Field Name: SearchSpaceURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24derb9eAn3QuaDkwC%24Ko3EVHXYFzHNI7na1UvFD4mzJCT64B2L4y5PMeX7dZJPG3KffEj8ht/eS5%2Bxz2SGxgCnY3mvXEts12d87UXe5/GALMqromfcvr/zB0dXnsHWKwdmgVHiGOmOYMo5L6eLO4IOT/0bkx1BUEvGjYWqOgvkwQsIcYyImDnkENUSA2hcRTNc91GAlFo33ZLhnmMsw5RJkNsdw46QBfHGqWWiLQ0Y/qCmBBBXJd1ZGjGvKWAzB1waY0XTvzhrxmela8r6GyK0W1%2B0qwn0dWIZOWJCR0GLDjoQEQE/qLmuUuMnt/Fhlc3VAj0cM8c9y4KByR7RJjRLAH/YT8iFggVO49AcGo0%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Audio Format Incoming An enumeration indicating whether incoming VPIM messages from the remote system corresponding to this location should be converted to another audio format.
  • Field Name: AudioFormatIncoming
  • Type: Integer
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a VPIM location. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Include Sender Voice Name A flag indicating whether Unity adds the sender?s recorded voice name to an outgoing VPIM message.
  • Field Name: IncludeSenderVoiceName
  • Type: Boolean
Enable Auto Create Contact A flag indicating whether a contact is automatically created when messages are received from senders at this location.
  • Field Name: EnableAutoCreateContact
  • Type: Boolean
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24derb9eAn3QuaDkwC%24Ko3EVHXYFzHNI7na1UvFD4mzJCT64B2L4y5PMeX7dZJPG3KffEj8ht/eS5%2Bxz2SGxgCnY3mvXEts12d87UXe5/GALMqromfcvr/zB0dXnsHWKwdmgVHiGOmOYMo5L6eLO4IOT/0bkx1BUEvGjYWqOgvkwQsIcYyImDnkENUSA2hcRTNc91GAlFo33ZLhnmMsw5RJkNsdw46QBfHGqWWiLQ0Y/qCmBBBXJd1ZGjGvKWAzB1waY0XTvzhrxmela8r6GyK0W1%2B0qwn0dWIZOWJCR0GLDjoQEQE/qLmuUuMnt/Fhlc3VAj0cM8c9y4KByR7RJjRLAH/YT8iFggVO49AcGo0%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
List Contacts In Directory A flag indicating whether a contact should be listed in the phone directory for outside callers, when a contact is automatically created. Default value is 0. Values: 0: Do not list contact in directory 1: List contact in directory
  • Field Name: ListContactsInDirectory
  • Type: Boolean
Alternate Names URI The URI to get the alternate names of the VPIM location.
  • Field Name: AlternateNamesURI
  • Type: String
Voice File URI
  • Field Name: VoiceFileURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24derb9eAn3QuaDkwC%24Ko3EVHXYFzHNI7na1UvFD4mzJCT64B2L4y5PMeX7dZJPG3KffEj8ht/eS5%2Bxz2SGxgCnY3mvXEts12d87UXe5/GALMqromfcvr/zB0dXnsHWKwdmgVHiGOmOYMo5L6eLO4IOT/0bkx1BUEvGjYWqOgvkwQsIcYyImDnkENUSA2hcRTNc91GAlFo33ZLhnmMsw5RJkNsdw46QBfHGqWWiLQ0Y/qCmBBBXJd1ZGjGvKWAzB1waY0XTvzhrxmela8r6GyK0W1%2B0qwn0dWIZOWJCR0GLDjoQEQE/qLmuUuMnt/Fhlc3VAj0cM8c9y4KByR7RJjRLAH/YT8iFggVO49AcGo0%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Remote Phone Prefix The number used to construct addresses for contacts who use the voice messaging system that corresponds to this location. NULL is allowed.
  • Field Name: RemotePhonePrefix
  • Type: String
Auto Create Extension Rule An enumeration indicating how the phone number on incoming VPIM messages should be mapped to the extension for the auto-created contact.
  • Field Name: AutoCreateExtensionRule
  • Type: Integer
Partition URI
  • Field Name: PartitionURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24derb9eAn3QuaDkwC%24Ko3EVHXYFzHNI7na1UvFD4mzJCT64B2L4y5PMeX7dZJPG3KffEj8ht/eS5%2Bxz2SGxgCnY3mvXEts12d87UXe5/GALMqromfcvr/zB0dXnsHWKwdmgVHiGOmOYMo5L6eLO4IOT/0bkx1BUEvGjYWqOgvkwQsIcYyImDnkENUSA2hcRTNc91GAlFo33ZLhnmMsw5RJkNsdw46QBfHGqWWiLQ0Y/qCmBBBXJd1ZGjGvKWAzB1waY0XTvzhrxmela8r6GyK0W1%2B0qwn0dWIZOWJCR0GLDjoQEQE/qLmuUuMnt/Fhlc3VAj0cM8c9y4KByR7RJjRLAH/YT8iFggVO49AcGo0%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Dtmf Access Id The dialable number.
  • Field Name: DtmfAccessId
  • Type: String
Location URI
  • Field Name: LocationURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24derb9eAn3QuaDkwC%24Ko3EVHXYFzHNI7na1UvFD4mzJCT64B2L4y5PMeX7dZJPG3KffEj8ht/eS5%2Bxz2SGxgCnY3mvXEts12d87UXe5/GALMqromfcvr/zB0dXnsHWKwdmgVHiGOmOYMo5L6eLO4IOT/0bkx1BUEvGjYWqOgvkwQsIcYyImDnkENUSA2hcRTNc91GAlFo33ZLhnmMsw5RJkNsdw46QBfHGqWWiLQ0Y/qCmBBBXJd1ZGjGvKWAzB1waY0XTvzhrxmela8r6GyK0W1%2B0qwn0dWIZOWJCR0GLDjoQEQE/qLmuUuMnt/Fhlc3VAj0cM8c9y4KByR7RJjRLAH/YT8iFggVO49AcGo0%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []