
Model: device/cuc/NotificationTemplate

Model Details: device/cuc/NotificationTemplate

Title Description Details
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Format: uri
Notification Template ID Maps with the NotificationTemplateID column of table tbl_NotificationTemplate This column acts as a primery key and value is auto-generated - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: NotificationTemplateID
  • Type: String
Content The content of Notification Template
  • Field Name: Content
  • Type: String
Notification Template Name Maps with the NotificationTemplateName column of table tbl_NotificationTemplate This column stores the notification template name.
  • Field Name: NotificationTemplateName
  • Type: String
Subscriber List URI The URI to get the list of the users who are using this notification template.
  • Field Name: SubscriberListURI
  • Type: String
Undeletable A flag indicating whether this notification template can be deleted via an administrative application such as Cisco Unity Connection Administration. It is used to prevent deletion of factory defaults.
  • Field Name: Undeletable
  • Type: Boolean
Notification Template Type This column stores the notification template type like whether it is for voice message or missed call.
  • Field Name: NotificationTemplateType
  • Type: Integer