
Model: device/cuc/MailboxStore

Model Details: device/cuc/MailboxStore

Title Description Details
Status Current status of the mailstore. Will usually be OK. Used by CUSA to show admins.
  • Field Name: Status
  • Type: Integer
Mailbox URI The URI to fetch the mailboxes.
  • Field Name: MailboxURI
  • Type: String
Last Error Last error result from a mailbox store maintenance action: create or delete
  • Field Name: LastError
  • Type: Integer
Display Name A descriptive name for the Message Store.
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
Time At Which Size Calculated The date and time when the size was calculated.
  • Field Name: TimeAtWhichSizeCalculated
  • Type: String
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a MailboxStore object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Service Password The password for a service to use to logon to mailbox store for message retrieval.
  • Field Name: ServicePassword
  • Type: String
Mounted A flag indicating whether the mailbox store is mounted.
  • Field Name: Mounted
  • Type: Boolean
Max Size MB This is the max size in MB for the mailstore - when exceeded admin receives warnings.
  • Field Name: MaxSizeMB
  • Type: Integer
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%241oWgQgdqTuoV5RvX%24q0WWBoa2rzy4tEQAg5MITOFl2ejBO3gitRI%2BA%2Bx2em6ivtI%2BoRRW1q23tAU%2BIk3ur08Le6c449g6bhEsxwuPnAVJEwbdrqQThCFPEgeZCQIDC5QIJUGzlG69YnR1GwbdTpOwWxEl%2Bk0G1guSb6uz0RV72TUeO3d2wwOmLNkSzqyxGM7HZV%2B/xYsh33KdVI9vFuxw9EROp80KS%2BQfxHAGm4H/QI/o9iS2a1K0D9rFadh07%2BaToF9p5J5VWMh870x1VNIyOASbsBqu9soPRjxm6Ml2fhYBrorEkDClI61jSwzPHL4IVMBuDz7hrTazUGBaRezjq4RrwNpVoMwV/zbMs00%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Mailboxes URI
  • Field Name: MailboxesURI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%241oWgQgdqTuoV5RvX%24q0WWBoa2rzy4tEQAg5MITOFl2ejBO3gitRI%2BA%2Bx2em6ivtI%2BoRRW1q23tAU%2BIk3ur08Le6c449g6bhEsxwuPnAVJEwbdrqQThCFPEgeZCQIDC5QIJUGzlG69YnR1GwbdTpOwWxEl%2Bk0G1guSb6uz0RV72TUeO3d2wwOmLNkSzqyxGM7HZV%2B/xYsh33KdVI9vFuxw9EROp80KS%2BQfxHAGm4H/QI/o9iS2a1K0D9rFadh07%2BaToF9p5J5VWMh870x1VNIyOASbsBqu9soPRjxm6Ml2fhYBrorEkDClI61jSwzPHL4IVMBuDz7hrTazUGBaRezjq4RrwNpVoMwV/zbMs00%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Server The name of the server on which the mailbox store resides.
  • Field Name: Server
  • Type: String
Service Alias The unique text name (alias) for a service to use to logon to mailbox store for message retrieval.
  • Field Name: ServiceAlias
  • Type: String
Required Security The method of encryption that Cisco Unity Connection will use on a mailstore connection.
  • Field Name: RequiredSecurity
  • Type: Integer
Total Size Of Mailbox The total size of the voice messages and attachments.
  • Field Name: TotalSizeOfMailbox
  • Type: String
Mail Database The name of the mailbox database, such as "UnityMbxDb1."
  • Field Name: MailDatabase
  • Type: String
Mailbox Store Type The type of mailbox store (e.g., UMSS).
  • Field Name: MailboxStoreType
  • Type: Integer
Undeletable A flag indicating whether this Mailbox Store can be deleted via an administrative application such as Cisco Unity Connection Administration. It is used to prevent deletion of factory defaults.
  • Field Name: Undeletable
  • Type: Boolean
Db Instance The name of the dbinstance on which the mailbox store resides.
  • Field Name: DbInstance
  • Type: String