
Model: device/cuc/HttpsLink

Model Details: device/cuc/HttpsLink

Title Description Details
Status Indicates the status of the directory synchronication with this location.(Idle or synching)
  • Field Name: Status
  • Type: Integer
Voice Name Sync Status Indicates the status of voice name synchronication with this location.
  • Field Name: VoiceNameSyncStatus
  • Type: Integer
Time Of Last Failure Reflects the time at which we encountered an error synchronizing with this location
  • Field Name: TimeOfLastFailure
  • Type: String
Display Name Display Name of the Location.
  • Field Name: DisplayName
  • Type: String
Accept Certificate Errors Controls whether or not certificate errors are allowed. Some possible errors are: mismatched hostname, expired certificate not-yet-valid certificate
  • Field Name: AcceptCertificateErrors
  • Type: Boolean
Object Id The primary key for this table. A globally unique, system-generated identifier for a Location object. - template parameter [1]
  • Field Name: ObjectId
  • Type: String
Base Feed URL URL used by Reader to fetch the Directory (and voice name)
  • Field Name: BaseFeedURL
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: Deleted
  • Type: Boolean
Warning Mode Indicates whether or not the synchronization from the network is in warning mode.
  • Field Name: WarningMode
  • Type: Boolean
Time Of Last Sync Reflects the time at which we last synchronized with the this location.
  • Field Name: TimeOfLastSync
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: URI
  • Type: String
  • Target: /api/choices/?format=json&hierarchy=[hierarchy]&auth_token=%3D%3D%24AKyk35zit1CV5uU2%24uLDRKeno531cIoAX5sQZpyrehilrtjO02fHjG/M/KHAhn9iJzHnLVEzRIhoX2ykDuyDao1DmNXEMLWjSzsk7K3MxUMmAWH8WS2g%2Bye6p8l63mIhtAUQXUkm63LDhOLldP2LWyXlLy1vbjsf8Ur6lWD5R/O9Qm/7w/wkRZnuiEyntiKF0e1oduOBx0f0HZfXTCQR2594rYDaXcq8mGrYOwQSwvIkVB4atu8rYh%2BXIOOENb4UD8tuS8BXIXDrGEggCsQgidh/9%2BIJkGshe0R0mr80A5eaztDjXKvapD8mZ5OKlOYbROYRO3D7CrkkfbtIMxSddOaVNStYdP8FnqQA%3D%24%3D%3D
  • Format: uri
  • Choices: []
Last Usn Last USN synched
  • Field Name: LastUsn
  • Type: Integer
Object Count A count of objects on the local node that originally came from the location.
  • Field Name: ObjectCount
  • Type: Integer
Use SSL Controls whether or not SSL will be used when communicating with this location.
  • Field Name: UseSSL
  • Type: Boolean
Directory Synchronization Role It specifies the directory synchronization mode in the cluster.
  • Field Name: DirectorySynchronizationRole
  • Type: Integer
Accept Self Signed Certificates Controls whether or not self signed certificates will be accepted when connecting to a node.
  • Field Name: AcceptSelfSignedCertificates
  • Type: Boolean
Remote Server The description for the RemoteServer.
  • Field Name: RemoteServer
  • Type: String
Sync Distribution Lists Controls whether or not public distribution lists are synced from this remote network.
  • Field Name: SyncDistributionLists
  • Type: Boolean
Location Base URL Sub Feeder URL for subscriber machine used by reader to fetch the directory information.
  • Field Name: LocationBaseURLSub
  • Type: String
Max Usn Max usn recieved in feed response.
  • Field Name: MaxUsn
  • Type: Integer