
Model: data/SsoSettings

Defines configuration settings for SAML2 SSO

Model Details: data/SsoSettings

Title Description Details
Entity Id Usually your subdomain plus the url to the metadata
  • Field Name: entity_id
  • Type: String
Service Provider Settings Defines the settings that apply to the system when used as a Service Provider
  • Field Name: sp
  • Type: Object
Name * A friendly identifier for the Service Provider
  • Field Name: sp.name
  • Type: String
Sign Authn Requests Determines whether outgoing authentication messages will be signed. If so, the specified private key will be used. This attribute is false by default. If one of your identity providers has WantAuthnRequestsSigned set in its meta data, this attribute should be set to true.
  • Field Name: sp.authn_requests_signed
  • Type: Boolean
SignatureMethod Set the SignatureMethod of the authentication request. Only used when 'Sign Authn Requests' is enabled. Defaults to rsa-sha1. Default: rsa-sha1
  • Field Name: sp.request_signature_method
  • Type: String
  • Default: rsa-sha1
  • Choices: ["rsa-sha1", "rsa-sha224", "rsa-sha256", "rsa-sha384", "rsa-sha512"]
DigestMethod Set the DigestMethod of the authentication request. Only used when 'Sign Authn Requests' is enabled. Defaults to sha1. Default: sha1
  • Field Name: sp.request_digest_method
  • Type: String
  • Default: sha1
  • Choices: ["sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512"]
Want Assertions Signed Determines whether assertions should be signed. Don't set this attribute to false unless you are sure that checking the integrity of the assertions is not needed in your environment.
  • Field Name: sp.want_assertions_signed
  • Type: Boolean
Want Reponse Signed Determines whether responses should be signed. Don't set this to true unless you are sure that all Identity Providers do sign responses.
  • Field Name: sp.want_response_signed
  • Type: Boolean
End Points Specifies the various end points that provide an external interface to the service provider.
  • Field Name: endpoints
  • Type: Object
Assertion Consumer Service
  • Field Name: assertion_consumer_service.[n]
  • Type: Array
Binding * Determines how SAML requests and responses map onto standard messaging or communications protocols.
  • Field Name: sp.endpoints.assertion_consumer_service.[n].binding
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["HTTP-POST"]
  • Field Name: sp.endpoints.assertion_consumer_service.[n].url
  • Type: String
Single Logout Service
  • Field Name: single_logout_service.[n]
  • Type: Array
Binding * Determines how SAML requests and responses map onto standard messaging or communications protocols.
  • Field Name: sp.endpoints.single_logout_service.[n].binding
  • Type: String
  • Choices: ["HTTP-REDIRECT"]
  • Field Name: sp.endpoints.single_logout_service.[n].url
  • Type: String
Required Attributes Additional attributes required to identify a user
  • Field Name: required_attributes.[n]
  • Type: Array
Use Custom Certificate for Signing Indicates if previously uploaded public/private keys must be used for signing. If true, the 'Public Key' and 'Private Key' fields are required. If false, a system-generated Public/Private key pair is used.
  • Field Name: use_custom_cert_for_signing
  • Type: Boolean
System Generated Certificate A reference to the data/Certificate instance that contains the system generated certificate to be used.
  • Field Name: system_cert
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/Certificate
  • Format: uri
Private Key The private key that is used for signing AuthnRequests
  • Field Name: key_file
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/File
  • Format: uri
Public Key The public key that should be used for decrypting signed AuthnRequests
  • Field Name: cert_file
  • Type: String
  • Target: data/File
  • Format: uri
Validity (Hours) The number of hours for which the metadata is valid for
  • Field Name: valid_for
  • Type: Integer
Accepted Time Difference (seconds) The maximum acceptable difference in clock times (in seconds) between this system and any IDP.
  • Field Name: accepted_time_diff
  • Type: Integer
Contact Person Service Provider contact details
  • Field Name: contact_person.[n]
  • Type: Array
First Name Contact's first name
  • Field Name: contact_person.[n].givenname
  • Type: String
Last Name Contact's last name
  • Field Name: contact_person.[n].surname
  • Type: String
Company Contact's company
  • Field Name: contact_person.[n].company
  • Type: String
Email Address Contact's email address
  • Field Name: contact_person.[n].email_address
  • Type: String
Contact Type Type of contact
  • Field Name: contact_person.[n].contact_type
  • Type: String
Block unencrypted assertions Block unencrypted assertions
  • Field Name: block_unencrypted_assertions
  • Type: Boolean