
Model: data/MicrosoftSubscriberQasStaging

Quick Add Subscriber

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This procedure adds a single Microsoft user via quick add subscriber (QAS), and moves the user to the correct site, with all configuration and licensing applied.


The Quick Add Subscriber (QAS) feature simplifies onboarding with the use of Quick Add Groups (QAGs). Quick Add Groups are service and policy assignment templates that allow you to pre-configure how calling rights, policies, and services are assigned to users based on their user role. When adding a user via QAS, you select the relevant QAG, and the automated workflows in VOSS Automate handles the required cloud sync and licensing. The workflow also removes the need for an administrator to check the licensing, or to flag the required policies and settings individually, and then to wait for the cloud to sync in.


Perform these steps:

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal as a provider admin, at the customer level.

  2. Go to (default menu) MS Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber.

  3. From the organization picker, choose the relevant site.

  4. On the Quick Add Subscriber page:

  5. Go to MS Subscriber Management > Subscriber Staging to view the user in the staging queue.

    VOSS Automate places the user in staging (with all configuration applied), while waiting for the cloud to sync in. Once the licensed user appears in the Microsoft Teams portal, a second, targeted sync is triggered, which searches only for staged users (not all users from the tenant).

    Once the sync completes, the user becomes a fully provisioned subscriber, and the number is flagged as used. The subscriber receives a welcome email (if you've chosen this option, and you have a SMTP server configured).

  6. Verify that the subscriber is configured and licensed:

Related Topics

Microsoft Overview in the Core Feature Guide

Microsoft User Move Configuration in the Core Feature Guide

This model is used to store Microsoft QAS data when a MS Teams user does not exist yet. The data will be like a queue and a seperate workflow will run periodically and delete the data.

Model Details: data/MicrosoftSubscriberQasStaging

Title Description Details
Username * Username of User
  • Field Name: username
  • Type: String
First name
  • Field Name: first_name
  • Type: String
Last name
  • Field Name: last_name
  • Type: String
Send welcome email Send Email to user using predefined HTML Email Template. Email template used is 'Quick Add Subscriber'. To enable email feature set 'Allow welcome email to be sent to user after Quick Add Subscriber' in Global Settings.
  • Field Name: send_email
  • Type: Boolean
Line URI
  • Field Name: line_uri
  • Type: String
Calling line identity
  • Field Name: calling_line_identity
  • Type: String
Online voice routing policy
  • Field Name: online_voice_routing_policy
  • Type: String
Hosted voice mail
  • Field Name: hosted_voice_mail
  • Type: Boolean
Enterprise voice enabled
  • Field Name: enterprise_voice_enabled
  • Type: Boolean
Quick Add Group
  • Field Name: qagroup_name
  • Type: String
  • Field Name: timestamp
  • Type: String