
Model: data/BulkLoad

The data model stores records of bulk loaded data. For bulk loaded files, a Bulk Load Name and Description is generated. A record is kept of the filename.

Model Details: data/BulkLoad

Title Description Details
Bulk Load Name * By default, the file name is joined with the UTC time stamp of the bulk load to describe the bulk load entry. The name can be edited.
  • Field Name: name
  • Type: String
Description By default, the description is 'Generated by Bulk Loader Administration Tools'. The description can be edited.
  • Field Name: description
  • Type: String
File Name * The name of the uploaded file is recorded.
  • Field Name: filename
  • Type: String
  • Format: file
File ID A unique identifier of the uploaded file.
  • Field Name: fileid
  • Type: String
Owner A business key that identifies the data/User who is bulk loading.
  • Field Name: owner
  • Type: String