.. _workflow_for_creating_quick_add_subscriber_groups: Creating Quick Add Subscriber Groups ------------------------------------ .. index:: Quick Add Subscriber (Feature);Feature Creating Quick Add Subscriber Groups For an overview and details on templates, see: :ref:`quick_add_subscriber_group`. Procedure ......... 1. Log in as provider, reseller, customer, or site administrator. 2. Choose **Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber Groups**. 3. Click **Add**. 4. In the **Group Name** field, enter a group name. This is a required field. 5. From the **Template** drop-downs, choose the required templates. For example, take the following steps to create back-office QAS users with phone type 6911 using SCCP protocol (voice account): a. From the Default CUCM **Phone Template** drop-down, choose **Backoffice Phone 6911 SCCP**. b. From the Default CUCM **Line Template** drop-down, choose **Default CUCM Line Template**. This associates a line with the phone. c. You can also use custom configuration templates to assign to a Quick Add Subscriber Group. Note: The custom configuration template can be at the same level in the hierarchy as the group, or higher. 6. Click **Save**.