.. _view_and_update_ldap_authentication_users: View and Update LDAP Authentication Users ----------------------------------------- All users that use LDAP for authentication are displayed on the **Users** form (default menu **User Management > Users**). This list includes users that use LDAP for authentication only, and users that have been synced from LDAP. .. note:: To view LDAP Authentication Users only, filter the list to display **LDAP** users. **Perform the following steps**: 1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator. #. Choose **User Management > Users**. #. Filter on the **Sync Source** column to display **LDAP** users. #. Click **Add** to add a new LDAP user or select an existing LDAP user to update. For each user that uses LDAP for authentication the following information is displayed on the **Account Information** tab: .. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{12cm}| +---------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +===============+===================================================+ | LDAP Server | The LDAP server being used for authentication. | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | | Matches the value of the LDAP authentication | | LDAP Username | attribute which is specified in the User Model | | | Type field of the LDAP User Sync configuration. | +---------------+---------------------------------------------------+ 5. To disable LDAP authentication for a user, select the user and click **Delete**. LDAP Authentication for the user is removed from the Users list. Local authentication is used for the user to log in. #. To update LDAP authentication for a user, select the user, make the updates and click **Save**. You can update only the LDAP Username field. However, LDAP authentication fails if the corresponding change is not also done on LDAP.