Add and Remove Tags ---------------------- .. _20.1.1|VOSS-670|EKB-3608: Tags allow you to search for all model instances with a common tag so that you can perform bulk operations on model instances sharing the tag. This procedure adds and removes tags. Prerequisites: * Your access profile should allow tagging on the model. * You should have access to the model instance. Perform the following steps: #. Log in to the administrator interface. #. Choose the hierarchy to which the model belongs. #. Choose an instance of the model you wish to tag. #. Click the **Tag** action; then: * To add a tag, type in a tag name. .. important:: * To ensure tags are searchable, use only lowercase letters in tag names. * Tag names should not contain spaces. You can add more than one tag to a model instance. * To remove a tag: To remove an existing tag name; that is, ````, type the following prefix to the existing tag name: ``__CLEAR_TAG__`` To remove *all* tags, type ``__CLEAR_ALL_TAGS__`` as the tag value. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM