Create and Run a Script ----------------------- #. Add an instance to ``data/IOS``. This instance contains the host, port and authentication details of the device. #. Create a Configuration Template for the Target Model Type selected as ``device/ios/Script``. A GUI Rule called ``ConfigurationTemplateOverride`` is applied by default to it to enable multiline input. Macros in a script should however be written on one line. In the device/ios/Script group on the Configuration Template, the following values can be entered: * The Description value can be entered. * The Expect Script value is the entered. The script can be entered over multiple lines. Variables can be used in the entered script - sourced from either context variables or macros. Refer to the Expect Script Examples topic. #. Create a Provisioning Workflow. * Select the Workflow Operation as run. * Select the Step Type as model. * Select the Entity or Workflow as ``device/ios/Script`` * The Network Device Filter group's Device Instance can be a selected ``data\Ios`` instance, or if not, the device can be the value of a Provisioning Workflow Context variable that resolves to a particular ``data\Ios`` instance, for example ``{{data.Ios.* || direction:local}}``. * The Configuration Template is the created template that contains the details of the script. If a Device Instance was added to the Provisioning Workflow, the script can reference it with the variable ``device_details``, for example the ``data/Ios`` instance as ``{{}}`` and ``{{}}``. * To run the script, execute the workflow. #. Inspect the transaction. The details of the transaction show the script with all macros and variables resolved, as well as the response from the device. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM