.. _create-update-schedule: Create or Update a Schedule ----------------------------- #. Choose the hierarchy at which the schedule is to be created. #. Open the **Scheduling** form (default menu **Administration Tools > Scheduling** to view existing schedules (if configured). #. To Create, click **Add** open the **Scheduling** input form to create a new schedule. To Update, select a schedule to modify. #. On the **Base/Details** tab, complete the following: a. Enter a mandatory **Schedule Name**. #. Enter the **Owner** (the user who created the schedule). #. From the mandatory **Schedule Type** drop-down list, choose either the **Multi Execution** or **Single Execution** option. This enables the respective **Multiple Executions** or **Single Execution** tab on the input form. #. Select or clear the **Active** check box to enable or disable the entire schedule. #. Click **+** next to **Scheduled resources** to specify actions to execute on resources (if required). More than one action on more than one resource type can be scheduled, with specification of a resource attribute. #. Select the **Resource Type**. The resources that can be executed is ``data/DataSync``. #. For a selected Resource Type, select a unique identifier as **Resource Attribute**, often the name of the Resource Type, typically ``name``. #. For the **Resource**, select the value of the Resource Attribute. For example, if the attribute is ``name``, then the name of the resource. #. The **Perform Action** check box is used to enable or disable a specific scheduled resource action. #. On either the **Multiple Executions** or **Single Execution** tab, enter the scheduling time information according to the selected schedule type. * Date format: *YYYY-MM-DD* in Local time - an **Execution Timezone** is selected * Time format: *HH:MM:SS* in Local time - an **Execution Timezone** is selected a. For Multiple Executions, select or clear the following check boxes for execution options on the **Multiple Executions** tab: i. **Use Specific Executions** - Allows one or more specific schedule times: an **Execution Date**, **Execution Time** and **Execution Timezone** is added for each specific schedule. #. **Use Calender Executions** - Allows one or more calendar times (**Calendar Hour** and **Calendar Minute**) and dates (**Calendar Month** and **Calendar Day**). If no time is entered, the current time is used. #. **Use Timed Executions** - Allows one or more specified number of repetitions (**Number of Repeats**) at intervals (**Repeat after (x) Days**, **Repeat after (x) Hours**, **Repeat after (x) Minutes**) from a specified start time (**First Execution Date**, **First Execution Time**, **First Execution Timezone**). If more than one of these options is selected, the first scheduled time will take priority. #. For Single Executions, provide the **Execution Date**, **Execution Time** and **Execution Timezone** on the **Single Execution** tab. #. Click **Save** to create the schedule. The scheduled task is displayed on the Schedule list view. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM