.. _enable_self_provisioning: Enable Self Provisioning ------------------------ Procedure ......... 1. Choose **Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber**. From the **Username** drop-down list, select a user. 2. Select the **Enable Self Provisioning** check box. The **Self Provisioning User Profile** drop-down appears. 3. From the **Self Provisioning User Profile** drop-down, choose a Self Provisioning User Profile. These were previously created under **User Management > Self Provisioning > User Profile**. 4. In the **Lines** field, click +. The **Directory Number** drop-down appears. 5. Choose a line from the **Directory Number** drop-down. 6. Click **Save**. 7. Choose **Subscriber Management > Subscribers** and choose the same user from the Subscribers list view. 8. Make sure that the **Self Service** and **User Profile** fields display the same settings as those set in Quick Add Subscriber.