Change Your Own Password ------------------------ .. _21.2|EKB-11005: Locally authenticated users can change their own password. .. note:: Locally authenticated users includes users where a SSO IdP is configured at higher levels of the hierarchy, but the user has Authentication Method set to Local. 1. Log in to |VOSS Automate|. #. Click the arrow next to the logged in user at the top right-hand side of the screen. #. Choose the **Change Password** option from the drop-down menu. The **Change Password** screen is displayed. #. Enter your existing password in the **Old Password** field. #. Enter your new password in the **New Password** field. Refer to **Minimum Password Length** and **Enable Password Complexity Validation** fields under :ref:`deploy_a_customized_credential_policy` if required. #. Confirm your new password by re-entering it in the **Repeat New Password** field. #. Click **Change Password** in the button bar. Your password is changed. .. |VOSS Automate| replace:: VOSS Automate .. |Unified CM| replace:: Unified CM