.. _add_emcc_group: Add an EMCC Group ------------------ When adding an EMCC Group, the cluster the user is on when taking this action is automatically selected/included in the new group. **Prerequisites**: * Create the required route patterns. See :ref:`add_emcc_route_pattern`. **Perform these steps**: 1. Log in as provider administrator or higher. #. Choose **Customer Management > EMCC > EMCC Group**. #. Click **Add**. #. Choose the required customer from the **Hierarchy** drop-down list. The **EMCC Group** screen is displayed. #. Enter the mandatory EMCC Group Name in the **Name** field. #. Choose the required CUCM Clusters and Countries to include in the EMCC Group by selecting single or multiple entries in the **Available** areas of the screen, and then clicking **Select** to move them to the **Selected** area of the screen. Use the Remove, Move Up and Move Down buttons as required to assist in creating the EMCC Group. An EMCC Group **must contain** a minimum of two clusters. #. Make sure that the required CUCM Clusters and Countries are listed in the CUCM Clusters and Countries areas of the screen respectively. #. Click **Save** to add the EMCC group to VOSS Automate. Upon creation of the EMCC Group, the following elements are provisioned per country and EMCC route pattern: * Route list * Geolocation filter * SIP profile * IP phone services * SIP trunk * Geolocation * Route partition * CSS * Device pool * Route pattern