.. _add_emcc_route_pattern: Add EMCC Route Pattern ---------------------- 1. Log in as provider administrator or higher. #. Make sure that the hierarchy path is set to the correct customer node. #. Choose **Customer Management > EMCC > EMCC Route Patterns**. #. Click **Add** to add an EMCC Route Pattern. The **EMCC Route Patterns** screen is displayed. #. Enter the following fields as required: a. **Country**. Choose the relevant ISO country code from the drop-down list. #. **Pattern**. Enter the route pattern, including numbers and wild cards. Do **not** use spaces in your route pattern. #. **Called Party Transformation Mask**. Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries include digits 0 to 9, the wild card character X. Note that if this field is left blank, no calling party transformation takes place. #. Click **Save** when complete to add the EMCC Route Pattern.