.. _set_up_contact_center_server: How to Set Up a Contact Center Server ------------------------------------- **Perform these steps**: 1. Log in as provider administrator at the customer hierarchy. 2. Choose **Services > Contact Center > Servers** menu to add a Contact Center server. 3. Click on **Add** button to add a new Contact Center server, complete the fields, and click **Save** to save the Contact Center server. +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Field | Description | +============================+=======================================+ | Contact Center Server Name | Unique server name. This field is | | | mandatory. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Description | Server description. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Cisco Unified | The Cluster you want to use for | | Communications Manager | Contact Center Server. This field is | | | mandatory. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Transfer Conference | Transfer conference pattern used when | | Pattern | transferring calls between agents. | | | This field is mandatory. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Network VRU | Pattern used to route calls to a CVP. | | | This field is mandatory. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | SIP Trunks | This field is mandatory. See fields | | | below: | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | | CVP or CUBE (ENT) or CUSP SIP Trunk. | | | This field is mandatory. | | | | | Trunk Destination Type | Note: | | | | | | Both CVP and CUBE (ENT) trunks must | | | be added for this Contact Center | | | Server to be added successfully. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | | The destination address of the CVP or | | | CUBE (ENT) or CUSP SIP Trunk. This | | Trunk Destination Address | field is mandatory. Multiple | | | destination addresses & ports can be | | | added for each trunk type. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | | The destination port of the CVP or | | Trunk Destination Port | CUBE (ENT) or CUSP SIP Trunk, if no | | | value provided system takes 5060 as | | | default. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | | The SIP trunk Security Profile that | | Trunk Security Profile | needs to be used by each trunk. This | | | field is mandatory. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | | The SIP trunk profile that needs to | | SIP Profile | be used by each trunk. This field is | | | mandatory. | +----------------------------+---------------------------------------+ For 500/1000/4000/12K/SCC - You must provide information for a CVP and a CUBE (ENT) SIP Trunk. For Small Contact Center, both the CVP and CUBE (ENT) trunks should have the same IP address with a different Trunk Security Profile selected in the **Trunk Security Profile** drop-down for each trunk. For CUSP - You must provide information for a CUSP SIP Trunk. Only one trunk type can be added. .. note:: For CUSP, use only one SIP trunk. For CVP or CUBE (ENT), use two SIP trunks. 1. Device Pool will create automatically as a part of Contact Center server with the name "Cu-CC-DP" with the default Call Manager Group & Region. 2. Call Manager Group & Region can be changed in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager as desired. 3. Two application users creates with names pguser & pguser2 - both are created with default password "cisco". .. note:: * Planning to change the pguser & pguser2 names to tie with the Customer ID in future releases. * For all the phone line CSS of a site, add Cu-CC-Xfer4CCServer-PT to the Class of Service member list as a partition with the next available index. * The admin needs to add Default Region as related regions for each site region created for a site. * Reset the trunk by clicking the **Reset** button in the Trunk page after updating the SIP profile.