Your Personal Phone Management ------------------------------ Your Personal Phones is only available (and visible) if your administrator has allocated a remote destination profile (RDP) to you. Multiple RDPs per user is not supported. If you are associated with multiple RDPs, the personal phones feature is hidden. If a dual mode device, such as the Cisco Dual Mode for Android or iPhone, is associated to you, you can manage both the phone number and simultaneous ring setting for the device. The badge in the description column (Mobile or SNR) indicates which of the two types of remote destination personal phones this is: * Mobile = Mobile Identity dual mode device, e.g. Iphone, Android, Tablet * SNR = Single Number Reach (remote destination profile). For SNR type personal phones only, a Move to Mobile toggle switch is available to facilitate the transfer of active calls to this mobile phone. You can also allocate a remote destination profile to yourself (if your Administrator has given you the required permissions) by clicking **+ Click here to enable personal phone management**. See Add, Edit or Delete a Personal Phone for more information on each respective task. Changes made in Self-service are automatically synchronized with Unified CM.