Configure Your Password Reset Questions --------------------------------------- .. _21.2|EKB-9934: 1. Log in to Self-service. #. Click the arrow next to the logged in user at the top right-hand side of the screen above the **Activity Feed** area. #. Choose the **Password Reset Questions** option from the drop-down menu. The **Password Reset Questions** screen is displayed. #. Type your password in the **Current Password \*** field. #. Choose the security question from the **Question \*** drop-down list. #. Enter your answer to the above question in the **Answer \*** field. .. important:: You must provide a unique answer for each security question. #. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have configured the required number of security questions (as determined by your administrator). #. Enter your password in the **Please enter your password** field. #. Click **Submit** when complete to configure your security questions and answers.